Actions Quick Reference

The table below provides a tabulated, alphabetized, and briefly defined list of actions An instruction within a botflow. with links to more information for each action.

Action Name Description

Arrange Workbooks

In Excel, arranges the workbook windows.

Ascii Key

Sends a specified ascii key to the emulator screen.

Backspace Key

Sends the 'Backspace' key to the emulator screen.

Back Tab Key

Sends the 'Back Tab' key to the emulator screen.

Border Image

Adds a border to the sides of an image.


Displays a colored box around the perimeter of the screen.


Performs mathematical calculations.

Calculate Now

In Excel, calculates all workbooks now.

Clear After Task

Changes an After Task to a regular task.

Clear Before Task

Changes a Before Task to a regular task.

Clear Cell

In Excel, clears the target cell.

Clear Clipboard

Clears the Windows clipboard.

Clear Column

In Excel, clears all cells in the target column.

Clear Credential

Clears a field of  a Credential.

Clear Error Task

Changes the Error Task to a Normal Task, if one exists in the Botflow.

Clear Field

Clears the value of one or more Fields in the database.

Clear Filter

In Excel, clears the filter.

Clear Highlight

Clears the highlight in a browser table.

Clear List

Clear a List in the Botflow.

Clear List Column

Clears a list column.

Clear List Row

Clears a list row.

Clear Log

Clears one or more files defined by a Log.

Clear Print Area

In Excel, resets the print area back to the default.

Clear Row

In Excel, clears all cells in the target row.

Clear Variable

Clears the value of one or more Variables.


Clicks a target, such as a button.

Close CD Tray

Closes the CD tray.

Close Data

Closes the currently loaded database.

Close Image

Closes the image currently open in the Image Editor.

Close Me

Closes Nintex Bot.

Close PDF

Closes the target PDF document.

Close Window

Closes the target window.

Close Workbook

In Excel, closes the target workbook.

Collect Garbage

A special Action used to diagnose problems.

Convert Field

Converts a field value from one culture to another.

Convert Variable

Converts a variable value from one culture to another.

Copy Cell

In Excel, copies the target cell.

Copy Column

In Excel, copies the target column.

Copy Email

Copies an email message to an inbox folder.

Copy File

Copies a specific file or group of files to a new location.

Copy Folder

Copies a specific folder or group of folders to a new location.

Copy Image

Copies an image to the Windows clipboard.

Copy Row

In Excel, copies the target row.

Copy Sheet

In Excel, copies a sheet in the workbook.

Create Credential

Adds a new Credential to the Botflow.

Create Folder

Creates a folder.

Create FTP Folder

Creates a new folder on an FTP server.

Create List

Creates a list.

Create List Column

Creates a list column.

Create List Row

Creates a list row.

Create Sheet

In Excel, adds a sheet to the workbook.

Create Shortcut

Creates a shortcut to a file or folder.

Create Variable

Adds a new variable to the Botflow.

Create Workbook

In Excel, creates a new workbook.

Credential Exists

Determines if a specific credential exists in the Botflow.

Credential Prompt

Prompts the user to enter credential information.

Crop Image

Crops an image.


Executes C# code authored by the user.

Custom Click

Sends a custom click to the target.

CV Append Page

Appends one or more electronic files to an existing Contentverse Document.

CV Create Document

Creates one or more Contentverse Documents from a BIF file.

CV Locate Node

Opens the Contentverse Client to the specified Node (Cabinet, Drawer, Folder, etc).

CV Open Document

Opens the Contentverse Document based on the specified Document ID.

CV Search

Performs a Full Text or Index search in Contentverse.

CV Setup Document

Sets up values for BIF file to be used by CV Create Document Action or AIP.

Decrease Field

Decreases a field value by a specified amount.

Decrease Variable

Decreases a variable value by a specified amount.

Delete Attachment

Deletes an attachment from an email message.

Delete Background

In Excel, deletes the background image of a sheet.

Delete Cell

In Excel, deletes the target cell(s).

Delete Column

In Excel, deletes the target column(s).

Delete Connection

Deletes a specific workbook connection or PDF connection in the Botflow.

Delete Credential

Deletes a Credential from the Botflow.

Delete Email

Deletes an email message.

Delete File

Deletes a specific file or multiple files.

Delete Filter

In Excel, removes the filter.

Delete Folder

Deletes a specific folder or multiple folders.

Delete FTP File

Deletes a file on an FTP server.

Delete List

Deletes a list.

Delete List Column

Deletes a list column.

Delete List Row

Deletes a list row.

Delete Row

In Excel, deletes the target row(s).

Delete Sheet

In Excel, deletes the target sheet(s).

Delete Variable

Deletes a variable from the Botflow.

Deselect Cell

In Excel, deselects the target cell(s).

Deselect Column

In Excel, deselects the target column(s).

Deselect Row

In Excel, deselects the target row(s).

Detect Emulator

Force detect the running emulators.

Detect Excel

Force detect the running Excel workbooks.

Detect IE

Force detect the running instances of Internet Explorer.

Detect PDF

Force detect the running PDF documents.

Detect SAP

Force detect the running instance of SAP.

Diagnostic Line

A special Action used to diagnose problems.

Disable Service

Disables a specified Windows service.

DOS Command

Runs a DOS command.

Double Click

Double clicks a target, such as a button.

Download File

Downloads a file from the internet.

Download FTP File

Downloads a file from an FTP server.

Download HTML

Downloads the HTML code of a web page.

Drive Exists

Determines if a mapped drive exists on the computer.

Duplicate List

Duplicates a list.

Duplicate List Column

Duplicates a list column.

Duplicate Variable

Duplicates a variable.


Part of an 'If' statement.

Else If A logical branch that is part of an If statement.

Empty Folder

Deletes all files and folders in a directory.

Empty Recycle Bin

Empties the Windows Recycle Bin.

Emulator Keys

Sends a variety of keys to the emulator screen.

Enable Service

Enables a specified Windows service.

End If

Part of an 'If' statement.

End Key

Sends the 'End' key to the emulator screen.

End Loop

Indicates the bottom of the loop.

End Task

Indicates the end of a task.

Enter Key

Sends the 'Enter' key to the emulator screen.

Excel Macro

In Excel, runs a macro.

Execute SQL

Executes a SQL statement to return records from a SQL server.

Exit All Loops

Exits out of all loops.

Exit All Tasks

Exits all Tasks and returns to the Startup Task.

Exit Loop

Exists out of the immediate loop.

Exit Sequence

Exits the current Mouse Sequence and returns to the calling Task.

Exit Task

Exits the current Task and returns to the calling Task.

Extract PDF Pages

Extracts pages from a PDF document.

File Exists

Determines if a specific file exists on a local or remote drive.

File Prompt

Prompts the user to select a file path.

Fill Cells

In Excel, copies a cell value to the remaining cells in a range.

Flip Image

Flips an image horizontally and/or vertically.


Gives the target focus.

Folder Exists

Determines if a specific folder exists on a local or remote drive.

Folder Prompt

Prompts the user to select a folder path.

Format Cell

In Excel, applies formatting to the target cell(s).

Format Column

In Excel, applies formatting to the target column(s).

Format List Column

Formats a list column.

Format Row

In Excel, applies formatting to the target row(s).


Manipulates text, numbers and dates by offering over 65 robust functions.


Forwards an email message.

Freeze Panes

In Excel, freezes panes in a workbook.

Full Screen Mode

In Excel, turns full screen mode on or off.

Get Credential

Retrieves a value from a target and stores it in a Credential.

Get Email

Retrieves email messages from an email server.

Get Info

Retrieves information about the target.

Get List

Retrieves a list from the target.

Get List Info

Retrieves information about a list.

Get Processes

Retrieves a list of running processes.

Get Services

Retrieves a list of running services.

Get Value

Retrieves the value from a target, such as the text in a textbox.

Go to Bottom

Jumps to the bottom of the Current Task

Go to End

Jumps to the bottom of the Botflow

Go to FTP Folder

Navigates to a specific folder on an FTP server.

Go to Label

Jumps to a specific Label in the same Task.

Go to Loop

Jumps to a specific loop number.

Go to Record

Jumps to a specific record in the database.

Go to Start

Rewinds the Botflow to the very top.

Go to Top

Rewinds the Botflow to the top of the Current Task

Go to Website

Causes an internet browser window to navigate to a specific website.

Grayscale Image

Converts the image to grayscale.


Puts the computer in hibernate mode.

Hide Comments

In Excel, hides all comments in a workbook.

Hide Sheet

In Excel, hides a sheet.

Home Key

Sends the 'Home' key to the emulator screen.

Hover Mouse

Hovers the mouse over a target for a specified amount of time.


Provides logic in a script.

Increase Field

Increases a field value by a specified amount.

Increase Variable

Increases a variable value by a specified amount.

Insert Cell

In Excel, inserts new cell(s) into a sheet.

Insert Column

In Excel, inserts new column(s) into a sheet.

Insert Copied Cell

In Excel, inserts cell(s) that were copied.

Insert Copied Column

In Excel, inserts column(s) that were copied.

Insert Copied Row

In Excel, inserts row(s) that were copied.

Insert Row

In Excel, inserts new row(s) into a sheet.

Invert Selection

In Excel, inverts the cell selection.


Executes JScript.NET code authored by the user.


A point to which a Go to Label Action can jump.

Label Image

Adds a label to an image.


Adds a separation line between Actions within a Task.

List Column Exists

Determines if a specific column exist in a list.

List Exists

Determines if a specific list exists in the Botflow.


Locks the workstation.

Log Off

Logs off the workstation.

Log Off FTP

Disconnects from an FTP server.

Log On FTP

Connects to an FTP server.


Begins a loop that repeats a specific number of times.

Loop Email

Begins a loop that iterates thru email messages.

Map Drive

Maps a drive.

Mark Read

Marks an email message as Read.

Mark Unread

Marks an email message as Unread.

Maximize Me

Maximizes the Nintex Bot window.

Maximize Window

Maximizes the target window.

Menu Click

Clicks a menu item in the target application.

Merge Cells

In Excel, merges a range of cells.

Merge Images

Combines two images into one.

Merge Lists

Combines two lists into one.

Merge PDFs

Merges PDF documents into a single document.


Displays a message to the user.

Minimize Me

Minimizes the Nintex Bot window.

Minimize Window

Minimizes the target window.

Mnemonic Key

Sends a specified mnemonic key to the emulator screen.

Mouse Button

Generates a Mouse Down and Mouse Up Action.

Mouse Down

Presses and holds a mouse button.

Mouse Sequence

A continuous, uninterrupted sequence of Mouse Actions.

Mouse Up

Releases the mouse button pressed by a Mouse Down Action.

Move Cursor

Moves the cursor on an emulator screen to a specific location.

Move Email

Moves an email message to a new inbox folder.

Move File

Moves a specific file or group of files to a new location.

Move Folder

Moves a specific folder to a new location.

Move Highlight

Moves the highlighted cell in a browser table.

Move List Column

Moves a list column left or right.

Move List Row

Moves a list row up or down.

Move Me

Moves the Nintex Bot window.

Move Mouse

Moves the mouse cursor to the specified location.

Move Selection

In Excel, moves the cell selection in a certain direction.

Move Sheet

In Excel, moves a sheet to a new position in the workbook.

Move Window

Moves the target window to the desired location on the screen.


Changes the mute state of the computer speakers to on.

Next Loop

Jumps to the next iteration of the loop.


Used to add documentation to the script.


Takes a picture of a target, then extracts the text from the image using OCR technology.

Open App

Starts a specific application.

Open CD Tray

Opens the CD tray.

Open Chrome Opens the Google Chrome browser.

Open Data

Opens a specific database.

Open Edge Opens the Microsoft Edge browser.

Open File

Opens a specific file.

Open Folder

Opens a specific folder.

Open Image

Opens an image in the Image Editor.

Open List

Opens a list from a file.

Open PDF

Opens a PDF document.

Open Workbook

In Excel, opens an existing workbook.

Pad Image

Adds extra spacing to the sides of an image.

Paste Cell

In Excel, pastes copied cell(s).

Paste Column

In Excel, pastes copied column(s).

Paste Row

In Excel, pastes copied row(s).

Pause Service

Pauses a specified Windows service.


Pings a specified host. Returns True if successful, otherwise False.

Pixel Exists

Determines if a target pixel is found on the screen.


Executes a PowerShell script.

Previous Loop

Jumps to the previous loop.

Print PDF

Prints the target PDF document.

Print Report

Prints a specified report.

Print Workbook

In Excel, prints the sheet.

Process Exists

Determines if a specific process is running.


Prompts the user to enter a text or number value.

Protect Sheet

In Excel, protects a sheet.


Executes Python code authored by the user.

Query List

Queries a list and puts the results in a new list.


Displays a question to the user and waits for an answer to be selected manually.

Read File

Reads the content of a text file as a block of text.


Reboots the workstation.

Refresh Filter

In Excel, reapplies the filter.

Regular Expression

Runs a regular expression on a value.

Remove Duplicates

In Excel, removes duplicate rows.

Remove List Duplicates

Removes duplicate list entries.

Rename File

Renames a specific file or group of files.

Rename Folder

Renames a specific folder or group of folders.

Rename FTP File

Renames a file on an FTP server.

Rename List

Renames a list in the Botflow.

Rename List Column

Renames a list column.

Rename Sheet

In Excel, changes the name of the target sheet.

Rename Variable

Renames a variable in the Botflow.

Repeat Loop

Repeats the current loop iteration.


Replaces text in an Excel workbook.


Sends a reply to an email message.

Reset Me

Resets the Nintex Bot window to its default size and location.

Resize Image

Resizes an image to the desired dimensions.

Resize Me

Resizes the Nintex Bot window to the desired dimensions.

Resize Window

Resizes the target window to the desired dimensions.


Executes a call to a REST web service.

Restart Loop

Restarts the loop at the first iteration.

Restart Service

Restarts a specified Windows service.

Restore Me

Restores the window to the size and location it was before being maximized or minimized.

Restore Window

Restores the target window.


Clears the last error that occurred in the script, then resumes at the specified location.

Resume Service

Resumes a specified Windows service.

Reverse List

Reverses the order of items in a list.

Right Click

Right clicks a target, such as a button.

Rotate Image

Rotates an image.

Run Task

Jumps to a specific Task in the Botflow.

Run Workflow

Runs a workflow in Nintex Workflow.


Saves the changes made to the Botflow since the last time it was saved.

Save Attachment

Saves an email attachment.

Save Image

Saves the image currently open in the Image Editor.

Save List

Saves a list to a file.

Save PDF

Saves the target PDF document.

Save Report

Generates and saves any report available in Nintex Bot.

Save Workbook

In Excel, saves the workbook.


Captures a screenshot of a target and saves it to a file.


Searches for and selects an item from a target, such as a list box.

Search Cells

In Excel, searches cells for a specific value.

Search Screen

Searches the emulator screen for a specific value.

Select All Cells

In Excel, selects every cell in the sheet.

Select Cell

In Excel, selects specific cell(s).

Select Column

In Excel, selects specific column(s).

Select Item

Selects a specific item from a target, such as a list box.

Select Row

In Excel, selects specific row(s).

Select Sheet

In Excel, selects a specific sheet.

Send Credential

Sends a Credential field to a target.

Send Email

Sends an email to one or more recipients.

Send List

Sends a list to a target, such as an Excel workbook.

Send Value

Sends a value to a target, such as a textbox.

Service Exists

Determines if a specific Windows service exists.

Set After Task

Changes any regular task to an After Task, except the Start Task.

Set Background

In Excel, sets the background image of a sheet.

Set Before Task

Changes any regular task to a Before Task, except the Start Task.

Set Calculations

In Excel, sets the calculation mode.

Set Caps Lock

Turns the Caps Lock key on or off.

Set Clipboard

Places a value on the Windows clipboard.

Set Column Width

In Excel, changes the width of one or more columns.

Set Connection

Assigns a connection letter to a specific workbook name or PDF document.

Set Credential

Sets a field value of a Credential.

Set Error Task

Designates a specific Task as the Error Task.

Set Field

Places a value in a specific database field.

Set Filter

In Excel, sets the filter.

Set Folder

Sets the Nintex Bot working directory.

Set List Value

Sets the value of a list entry field.

Set Mode

Sets the mode of this application.

Set Num Lock

Turns the Num Lock key on or off.

Set Orientation

In Excel, sets the print orientation.

Set Print Area

In Excel, sets the print area.

Set Resolution

Sets the screen resolution.

Set Row Height

In Excel, changes the height of one or more rows.

Set Scroll Lock

Turns the Scroll Lock key on or off.

Set Speed

Sets the speed of the running script.

Set Variable

Places a value in a specific variable.

Show Comments

In Excel, unhides all comments in a workbook.

Show Desktop

Minimize all windows and show the desktop.

Show Me

Shows the Nintex Bot window by bringing it in front of other windows.

Show Sheet

In Excel, unhides a sheet.

Show View

Switches the Nintex Bot Botflow Pane to a specific view.

Show Window

Shows a window by bringing it in front of other applications.

Shuffle List

Randomly shuffles the specified List in the Botflow.

Shut Down

Shuts down the workstation.


Sends a Slack message.


Puts the computer in sleep mode.


Executes a call to a SOAP web service.


In Excel, sorts the cell values.

Sort Email

Sorts a list of email messages.

Sort List

Sorts a list by the desired column.


Plays a specific sound.


Adds a blank row to add space between Actions within a Task.

Split PDF

Splits a PDF document into two or more parts.

Start Diagnostics

Starts diagnostic logging.

Start Highlight

Starts the highlight in a browser table.

Start Process

Starts the specified Windows process.

Start Service

Starts the specified Windows service.

Start Task

Indicates the beginning of a task.

Stop Diagnostics

Stops diagnostic logging.

Stop Process

Forcefully closes the specified Windows process or application.

Stop Service

Stops the specified Windows service.

Stop Task

Halts the script, just as if the Pause button was pressed in the Run Center.

Stored Procedure

Runs a Stored Procedure on a SQL server.

Subtract List

Removes one list from another leaving only the differences.

Tab Key

Sends the 'Tab' key to the emulator screen.

Target Exists

Determines if a specific target exists.

Text Message

Sends a Text Message to one or more recipients.

Text to Columns

In Excel, splits a column of text into multiple columns.

Toggle After Task

Turns on the After Task in a botflow if it is off or turns off the After Task in a botflow if it is on.

Toggle Before Task

Turns on the Before Task in a botflow if it is off or turns off the Before Task in a botflow if it is on.

Toggle Mute

Toggles the mute state of the computer speakers.

Toggle Record

Toggles the record on or off.

Toggle Variable

Toggles the value of a variable.

Touch File

Sets the Created, Modified, or Accessed date/time of a file.

Touch Folder

Sets the Created, Modified, or Accessed date/time of a folder.

Trim Image

Removes the extra spacing from the sides of an image.

Turn Off After Task

Modifies the standard behavior of botflows running in Nintex Bot and changes the botflow behavior at run time. You can create a Turn Off After Task action to turn off an After Task when the action executes.

Turn Off Before Task

Modifies the standard behavior of botflows running in Nintex Bot and changes the botflow behavior at run time. You can create a Turn Off Before Task action to turn off a Before Task when the action executes.

Turn Off Record

Turns off the specified record(s) in the database.

Turn On Before Task

Modifies this standard behavior in botflows and changes the botflow behavior at run time. You can create a Turn On Before Task action to turn on a Before Task when the action executes.

Turn On After Task

Modifies this standard behavior in botflows and changes the botflow behavior at run time. You can create a Turn On After Task action to turn on an After Task when the action executes.

Turn On Record

Turns on the specified record(s) in the database.

Unfreeze Panes

In Excel, turns off frozen panes in a workbook.


Unlocks the workstation using the provided password.

Unlock Screen

Clears the 'Input Inhibited' indicator of an emulator screen.

Unmap Drive

Disconnects a mapped drive.

Unmerge Cells

In Excel, unmerges a range of merged cells.


Changes the mute state of the computer speakers to off.

Unprotect Sheet

In Excel, unprotects a sheet.


Unzips files and/or folders.

Upload FTP File

Uploads a file to an FTP server.

Variable Exists

Determines if a specific variable exists in the Botflow.


Executes VB.NET code authored by the user.


Executes VBScript code authored by the user.


Instructs Nintex Bot to audibly say the desired phrase.


Adjusts the volume of the computer speakers.


Pauses the script for a specific duration of time.

Wait for Cursor

Waits for an emulator cursor to arrive or leave a specific screen position.

Wait for Drive

Waits for the specified drive to be mapped or unmapped.

Wait for File

Waits for a target file to appear or disappear before allowing the script to continue.

Wait for Folder

Waits for a target folder to appear or disappear before allowing the script to continue.

Wait for Ping

Waits for a ping to succeed or fail.

Wait for Process

Waits for a specific process to start or stop.

Wait for Service

Waits for the specified Windows service to start or stop.

Wait for Target

Waits for a target to appear or disappear before allowing the script continue.

Wait for Text

Waits for specific text to appear or disappear on an emulator screen.

Write File

Writes text to a Text file.

Write Log

Writes information to one or more logs as defined by a Log.


Zips files and/or folders.

Zoom Edge Changes the zoom setting on Microsoft Edge.

Zoom IE

Changes the zoom setting of Internet Explorer.

Zoom Workbook

In Excel, changes the zoom setting of a workbook.