Detect Emulator

This article provides information on the following topics:

Note: The Actions Quick Reference provides a complete list of actions that you can print for easy reference.

What is the Detect Emulator Action?

The Detect Emulator Action force detects the running emulators.  Before Nintex RPA LE can interact with an emulator, it must first be aware that the emulator is running.  Nintex RPA LE is designed to automatically detect emulators when they are launched.  In certain scenarios, an emulator may not be detected due to how the emulator loads into memory and the time it takes for the emulator to start.  In these cases, a Detect Emulator Action can be added to a Botflow to instruct Nintex RPA LE to look through all the running emulators and detect any that may have been missed when it was launched.

Note: The Detect Emulator Action is slow to execute, therefore use this Action sparingly to maximize speed.  In most cases, this Action is not needed.

Creating a Detect Emulator Action

Select Advanced Actions to expand the Action list. Select theDetect EmulatorAction from the Actions list to display the Action Builder.

There are no special settings for this Action.

Optionally add Notes to the Action to document any special instructions or functionality. When the Run Switchis set to Run, the action will be executed after clicking OK.

Note: The run switch is set to Run by default. To create or modify this action without executing it, click the slider to change the option to Don't Run.  For more information, go to Action Builder.

Click the OK button to save the Action.