
This article provides information on the following topics:

Note: The Actions Quick Reference provides a complete list of actions that you can print for easy reference.

What is the Zip Action?

The Zip Action can be used to zip (compress) files and/or folders into a single zip file.  Nintex RPA LE creates standard zip files that can be unzipped using an Unzip Action or by using any third-party application that handles zip files.


Susan works for a well known tax preparation company.  After completing annual tax returns for their clients, the company would like to email each customer a digital copy of all documents used to prepare their tax return.  Rather than sending an email with 15 separate attachments, Susan uses Nintex RPA LE to zip all documents into a single zip file.  Once the files are zipped, Nintex RPA LE then sends the email automatically to the customer, saving Susan the time of doing this manually.

Creating a Zip Action

Select Files & Folders Actions to expand the Action list. Select the Zip Action from the Actions list to display the Action Builder.

The Error  settings for this action may be configured to fine tune the how the Action will run.

Note: For more information about the timing and error settings, go to Action Builder.

Enter the file path of the Item to zip .  Next, enter the Zip file path . Be sure to include the full file path of the destination zip file.

Choose the desired outcome if the zip file exists .  Additionally, select the desired outcome if items exists in the zip file.

Optionally add Notes to the Action to document any special instructions or functionality. When the Run Switchis set to Run, the action will be executed after clicking OK.

Note: The run switch is set to Run by default. To create or modify this action without executing it, click the slider to change the option to Don't Run.  For more information, go to Action Builder.

Click the OK button to save the Action.