Touch Folder
The Touch Folder action modifies the create date/time properties of an action to a specific value.
Note: The Actions Quick Reference provides a complete list of actions that you can print for easy reference.
Create a Touch Folder action
On the Actions list, click Files & Folders and select Touch Folder.
Enter the full Folderpath, including the folder name. Optionally, click the Magic Wand to use the Expression Builder.
Note: You cannot enter more than one folder separated by a comma or any other character. However, wild cards are accepted. For example, you can enter C:\Users\Smith\Desktop\FolderName* and folders such as FolderName_1 will be included.
(Optional) Select Include subfolders to find all folders with the same name with all wild cards applied that are in a subfolder. For example, if you entered a folder that has a subfolder with two additional folders, the action will modify all three folders.
Note: The Include subfolders feature is not currently working.
Select the Change(s) you want the action to make:
Created date
Modified date
Accessed date
Created time
Modified time
Accessed time
Keep the default token for each change, manually enter a different value in an appropriate format, or click the Magic Wand to use the Expression Builder.
Note: The Modified and Accessed change features are not currently working.
(Optional) Select Filter options. Manually enter options or click the Magic Wand to use the Expression Builder. Your selections will be applied to the search for folders that is affected by the action. For example, you can select the Created date filter and only include folders that are older than a specific date/time.
Note: The Modified date filter option is not currently working.
- If needed, adjust the Run error task settings to fine tune how the action runs.
- Run error task: A botflow containing an error task automatically runs the error task in the event of an error. If the botflow does not contain an error task, the botflow stops in the event of an error.
- Stop on error: The botflow stops in the event of an error.
- Ignore errors: The action is skipped in the event of an error and the botflow attempts to execute the next action.
(Optional) Add a Note to document special instructions or functionality.
Toggle the run switch to Run and click OK to execute and save the action.
Note: The run switch is set to Run by default. To create or modify this action without executing it, click the slider to change the option to Don't Run. For more information, go to Action Builder.
When the action is executed, Nintex Bot will modify the folder property with the Change options that you selected.