Workflow actions upgrade details

When a workflow is upgraded, all actions in Nintex for Office 365 are mapped to an equivalent action in Nintex Workflow. Depending on the actions and functionality available in Nintex Workflow the actions will be mapped as below:

  • Some actions may be mapped to multiple actions to achieve the same outcome.

  • Actions that do not exist or doesn’t have an equivalent action in Nintex Workflow are replaced with a placeholder action to ensure the workflow design is retained.

    Important: For recommendations of what to do when the action is not available in Nintex Workflow, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.

  • Some actions will be mapped to an action in Nintex Workflow but may have slightly different behavior compared to Nintex for Office 365 and further review of the configuration will be required.

Check out the Nintex product roadmap in Nintex community to see what's coming to Nintex Workflow.

This table shows the list of Nintex for Office 365 workflow actions and the equivalent action in Nintex Workflow and also provides any specific upgrade details about the actions.

Note: To see workflow details of fields and functionality, see Workflow details for fields and functionality.

The Nintex for Office 365 actions are listed in alphabetical order in the table. To find the action you want, browse through the list or click on a letter in the index below to go to the relevant section.

You can also use the CTRL+F keyboard shortcut to open the search box and search for an action you want on this page.


Nintex for Office 365 action Action in Nintex Workflow Upgrade details
Action set Action Set

Available in Nintex Workflow.

The contained actions cannot be given elevated permissions.

Add item to collection

Add item to collection

Requires review of configuration.

Add time to date

Add time to date

Requires review of configuration.

If the Use date and time when action is executed check box is selected in the Nintex for Office 365 action configuration, the date used in Nintex Workflow is the current date and time.

Amazon EC2 create instance

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Amazon EC2 instance management

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Assign a task Assign a task to multiple users

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Assign a Task action article in Nintex Community.

Azure Active Directory Assign manager

Azure Active Directory Administration - Assign manager to user

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Azure Active Directory Create user Azure Active Directory Administration - Create user

Requires review of configuration.

Azure Active Directory Disable/enable user

Azure Active Directory Administration - Disable/Enable user

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Azure Active Directory Get manager details Azure Active Directory - Get manager details

Requires review of configuration.

Azure Active Directory Get user details Azure Active Directory - Get user details

Requires review of configuration.

Azure Active Directory Update user

Azure Active Directory Administration - Update user

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Bing Get directions

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Bing Language detection

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Bing Text to speech

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Bing Translation

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Bitly URL shortener - Shorten a URL

Requires review of configuration.

Box Delete a file Box - Delete a file

Requires review of configuration.

Box Download file Box - Get a file

Requires review of configuration.

Box Query files Box - Get folder contents

Requires review of configuration.

Box Upload file Box - Store a file

Requires review of configuration.

Build dictionary

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Build string Create a text string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Call HTTP web service

Call a web service

If calling a SharePoint Online web service:

SharePoint Online - Call a SharePoint web service

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Call HTTP Web Service action article in Nintex Community.

Check if item exists in collection Check if item exists in collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Check in item

SharePoint Online - Check in files

After upgrading, this Check In Item action has been changed to the Check in files action. If the 'Use Library Settings' option was selected as the Check In Type before upgrading, it has been converted to the corresponding library setting in the 'Check in version' option in the upgraded action.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Check In Item action article in Nintex Community.

Check out item

SharePoint Online - Check out files

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Check Out Item action article in Nintex Community.

Clear collection Clear collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Conditional branch Branch by condition

Mixed and/or conditions are no longer supported. Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Conditional Branch action article in Nintex Community.

Convert Value

Convert a value

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Convert Value action article in Nintex Community.

Copy document

SharePoint Online - Copy or move a file

Available as a compound action. See details in Upgrade details column.

This action is changed to an action set containing the following actions:

Count Items in a dictionary

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Count items in collection Count items in collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Create a list item SharePoint Online - Create an item

Requires review of configuration.

Delete item SharePoint Online - Delete items

Available in Nintex Workflow.

All items returned from the query will be deleted. In Nintex for Office 365 this action only deletes the first item returned from the query.

Discard check out item

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Do calculation Calculate a value

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Do Calculation Upgrade action article in Nintex Community.

Document generation

Details given in Upgrade details columns.

After upgrading this action is changed to a compound action that contains multiple actions in Nintex Workflow. All the actions are included in an Action set action. The actions used in Nintex Workflow depend on the action configuration in Nintex for Office 365.

  • Tagging has to be redone in Nintex Workflow.

  • Repeating will need have to be reconfigured in Nintex Workflow.


DocuSign Download document

Details given in Upgrade details columns.

After upgrading, the DocuSign action will be deleted from the workflow. All features of the five DocuSign actions in Nintex for Office 365 can be met with the two DocuSign actions in Nintex Workflow.

You have to add one of the DocuSign actions available in Nintex Workflow to your workflow and configure the action.

For more information about the available DocuSign actions, see DocuSign.

DocuSign Populate template Details given in Upgrade details columns.

After upgrading, the DocuSign action will be deleted from the workflow. All features of the five DocuSign actions in Nintex for Office 365 can be met with the two DocuSign actions in Nintex Workflow.

You have to add one of the DocuSign actions available in Nintex Workflow to your workflow and configure the action.

For more information about the available DocuSign actions, see DocuSign.

DocuSign Retrieve envelope status Details given in Upgrade details columns.

After upgrading, the DocuSign action will be deleted from the workflow. All features of the five DocuSign actions in Nintex for Office 365 can be met with the two DocuSign actions in Nintex Workflow.

You have to add one of the DocuSign actions available in Nintex Workflow to your workflow and configure the action.

For more information about the available DocuSign actions, see DocuSign.

DocuSign Send document Details given in Upgrade details columns.

After upgrading, the DocuSign action will be deleted from the workflow. All features of the five DocuSign actions in Nintex for Office 365 can be met with the two DocuSign actions in Nintex Workflow.

You have to add one of the DocuSign actions available in Nintex Workflow to your workflow and configure the action.

For more information about the available DocuSign actions, see DocuSign.

DocuSign Send envelope Details given in Upgrade details columns.

After upgrading, the DocuSign action will be deleted from the workflow. All features of the five DocuSign actions in Nintex for Office 365 can be met with the two DocuSign actions in Nintex Workflow.

You have to add one of the DocuSign actions available in Nintex Workflow to your workflow and configure the action.

For more information about the available DocuSign actions, see DocuSign.

Dropbox Delete file

Dropbox Business - Delete a file

Requires review of configuration.

Dropbox Download file

Dropbox Business - Get a file

Requires review of configuration.

Dropbox Query file

Dropbox Business - Get folder contents

Requires review of configuration.

Dropbox Upload file

Dropbox Business - Store a file

Requires review of configuration.

Exchange Online Cancel calendar item

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Create calendar item

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Create task

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Delete task

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Get meeting suggestions

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Retrieve calendar items

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Retrieve tasks

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Update calendar item

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Exchange Online Update task

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Execute SQL Microsoft SQL Server - Execute a query

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Execute SQL action article in Nintex Community.

Extract substring from end of string Modify string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Changed to Modify string action.

Extract substring from index of string Modify string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Changed to Modify string action.

Extract substring from start of string Modify string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Changed to Modify string action.

Extract substring of string from index with length Modify string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Changed to Modify string action.


Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that uses this action, see the Upgrade Filter action article in Nintex Community.

Find interval between dates Find interval between dates

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Find substring in String Modify string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Changed to Modify string action.

For each Loop for each

Available in Nintex Workflow.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade For Each action article in Nintex Community.

Get an item from a dictionary

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Get item from collection Get item from collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Google Drive Delete file

Google Drive - Delete a file

Requires review of configuration.

Google Drive Download file

Google Drive - Get a file

Requires review of configuration.

Google Drive Query files

Google Drive - Get folder contents

Requires review of configuration.

Google Drive Upload file

Google Drive - Store a file

Requires review of configuration.

Google Drive URL shortener - Shorten a URL

Requires review of configuration.

Join items in collection Join items in collection

Requires review of configuration.

Configuration is not mapped when upgrading this action.


Log to history list

Log to instance details

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Loop N times Loop N times

Available in Nintex Workflow.

A maximum of 1000 iterations allowed.

Loop with condition Start a loop

Mixed and/or conditions are no longer supported. Requires review of configuration.

Mailchimp Create campaign

Mailchimp - Create an event

Requires review of configuration.

Mailchimp Delete campaign

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Mailchimp Retrieve campaign statistics

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Mailchimp Retrieve lists

Mailchimp - Get lists

Requires review of configuration.

Mailchimp Retrieve unsubscribers

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Mailchimp Send campaign

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Mailchimp Subscribe to a list

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Mailchimp Unsubscribe from a list

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Create affinity group

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Create virtual machine

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Delete affinity group

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Download RDP file

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Retrieve affinity group

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Retrieve affinity group properties

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Retrieve image

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure Retrieve location

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Azure State management

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Change user status

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Create record Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Create a record

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Create user

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Delete record Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Delete a record

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Query record Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Query record

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Retrieve record Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Retrieve a record

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Update record Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Update a record

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Update user

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Teams Add link to a channel tab Microsoft Teams - Add link to a channel tab

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Add member to a team Microsoft Teams - Add member to a team

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Add owner to a team Microsoft Teams - Add owner to a team

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Archive a team Microsoft Teams - Archive a team

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Clone a team Microsoft Teams - Clone a team

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Create a channel Microsoft Teams - Create a channel

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Create a team Microsoft Teams - Create a team This action has been changed to an action set containing the following actions: Set a variable value and Create a team.
Microsoft Teams Get channels for a team

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Microsoft Teams Get members of a team Microsoft Teams - List members of a team

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Teams Get teams Microsoft Teams - Get teams

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Teams Post to a channel Microsoft Teams - Post to a channel

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Remove member from a team Microsoft Teams - Remove member from a team

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Microsoft Teams Restore an archived team Microsoft Teams - Restore an archived team

Requires review of configuration.

Microsoft Teams Update a team Microsoft Teams - Update a team

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Nintex Insights- Beacon

Nintex Insights - Beacon

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Nintex Insights- Beginning beacon

Nintex Insights- Beginning Beacon

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Nintex Insights- Ending beacon

Nintex Insights - Ending Beacon

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Nintex Sign Adobe Sign - Get signature

Requires review of configuration.

Office 365 Add user to group SharePoint Online - Add user to SharePoint group

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Add user to group action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Add user to security group Azure Active Directory Administration - Add user to security group

Requires review of configuration.

The configuration is not mapped when upgrading this action.

Office 365 Assign license

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Check in items SharePoint Online - Check in files

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Check In Items action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Check out items SharePoint Online - Check out files

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Check Out Items action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Create list item or document set

SharePoint Online - Create a document set

SharePoint Online - Create an item

Requires review of configuration.

Separate actions are used in Nintex Workflow to support list items and document sets. Depending on the Nintex for Office 365 configuration, it's changed to one of the following actions in Nintex Workflow:

If Result is used in the configuration, the Set a variable value action is used to set the result variable.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Create list item or document set action - Document Set and Upgrade Office 365 Create list item or document set action - Create List Item articles in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Create navigation

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Create site SharePoint Online - Create a site

Available in Nintex Workflow.

After upgrading the success output variable is replaced with a value in Set a variable action when the Create a site action succeeds.

Office 365 Create site collection SharePoint Online - Create a site collection

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Create site collection action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Create user Azure Active Directory Administration - Create user

Requires review of configuration.

Office 365 Delete drafts

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Delete items SharePoint Online - Delete items

Requires review of configuration.

CAML query is not available.

When multiple conditions are set in the condition builder, Nintex Workflow only allows deleting when any of the conditions or all the conditions are met.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Delete Items action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Delete previous versions

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Delete site SharePoint Online - Delete a site

Requires review of configuration.

After upgrading the success output variable is replaced with a value in Set a variable action when the Create a site action succeeds.

Office 365 Delete site collection

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Discard checkout

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Download file SharePoint Online - Copy or move a file

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Download file action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 New blog post

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Query list SharePoint Online - Query a list

Requires review of configuration.

The action in Nintex Workflow:

  • Does not support excluding subfolders and Fields XML.

  • Supports only one sort rule.

  • Maximum number of results returned is 5000.

Users must reconfigure the workflow to get the first column from the output object if using the first column.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Query List action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Query user profile SharePoint Online - Query user profile

Requires review of configuration.

This action is changed to a compound action that includes the SharePoint Online - Query user profile and Set a variable value actions.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Query user profile action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Remove user from security group Azure Active Directory Administration - Remove user from security group

Requires review of configuration.

The configuration is not mapped when upgrading this action.

Office 365 Reset password

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Retrieve license plans

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Office 365 Search query    
Office 365 Send document set to repository SharePoint Online - Send document set to repository

Requires review of configuration.

Office 365 Send document to repository SharePoint Online - Send document to repository

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Send document to repository action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Set approval status SharePoint Online - Set approval status

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Set Approval Status action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Set document set approval status SharePoint Online - Set document set approval status

Requires review of configuration.

Office 365 Update item permissions SharePoint Online - Update item permissions

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Update Item Permissions action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Update items SharePoint Online - Update items

Requires review of configuration.

This action is changed to a compound action that includes the SharePoint Online - Update items action, Set a variable value action, and Loop for each action (with 2 Add item to collection actions.) XML option is not available.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade the Update Items action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 Upload file

SharePoint Online - Copy or move a file

Requires review of configuration.

Content option is no longer available.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Office 365 Upload file action article in Nintex Community.

Office 365 User access management Azure Active Directory Administration - Disable/Enable user

Requires review of configuration.

OneDrive Delete file Microsoft OneDrive for Business - Delete a file

Requires review of configuration.

OneDrive Download file Microsoft OneDrive for Business - Get a file

Requires review of configuration.

OneDrive Query files Microsoft OneDrive for Business - Get folder contents

Requires review of configuration.

OneDrive Upload file

Microsoft OneDrive for Business - Store a file

Requires review of configuration.

Parallel block Run parallel paths

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Can add up to a maximum of 20 branches.

Pause for duration Pause for duration

Requires review of configuration.

The Business hours option is not available and Advanced list lookup is not supported in the action in Nintex Workflow.

Only one unit is supported in the Nintex Workflow action and when more than one unit is selected in the Nintex for Office 365 configuration all units are converted to minutes or hours after upgrading.

  • If Minutes unit is not selected, days and hours are converted to hours.

  • If Minutes unit is selected, all units are converted to minutes.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Pause for Duration action article in Nintex Community.

Pause until date

Pause until date

Requires review of configuration.

The configuration is not mapped when upgrading this action.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Pause until Date action article in Nintex Community.

Query list

SharePoint Online - Query a list

Requires review of configuration.

Query XML Query XML

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Query XML action article in Nintex Community.

Rackspace Change password

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Rackspace Create server

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Rackspace Rebuild server

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Rackspace Resize server

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Rackspace State management

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Regular expression Apply a regular expression

Available in Nintex Workflow.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Regular Expression action article in Nintex Community.

Remove duplicates from collection Remove duplicates from collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Remove item from collection Remove item from collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Remove last item from collection

Split last item from collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Remove value from collection Remove value from collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Replace substring in string Modify string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Changed to Modify string action.

Run component workflow Call a workflow

Requires review of configuration.

Mapping of Input variables are not supported.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Run Component Workflow action article in Nintex Community.

Run if

Run if true

Mixed and/or conditions are no longer supported. Requires review of configuration.

For more information, see this article on Nintex Community.

Salesforce Change user status

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Chatter Post link

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Chatter Post file

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Chatter Post message

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Chatter Post poll

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Chatter Search feeds

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Chatter Send invitation

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Create record Salesforce - Create a record

Requires review of configuration.

Salesforce Create user

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Salesforce Delete record Salesforce - Delete a record

Requires review of configuration.

Salesforce Query record Salesforce - Query record

Requires review of configuration.

Salesforce Retrieve record Salesforce - Retrieve a record

Requires review of configuration.

Salesforce Update record Salesforce - Update a record

Requires review of configuration.

Salesforce Update user

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Send an email Send an email

Requires review of configuration.

Names in the Address field is changed to an email address. Variables are moved toNintex Workflow. Variables that contain a name will fail when the workflow executes. The following are not supported and a message is displayed indicating they are not supported if they are included in the action configuration in Nintex for Office 365:

  • If the Email service selected is Internal email

  • If the Attach file from workflow check box is selected.

  • If Email attachments contains any text or variables.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Send an Email action article in Nintex Community.

Set field in current item SharePoint Online - Update items

Requires review of configuration.

Set next state Change stage

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Set time portion of date/time field

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Set workflow status

SharePoint Online - Update items

Requires review of configuration.

Updating the status on the Instance page is not supported. You can create a new column in the SharePoint Online list to display the status and use the SharePoint Online - Update items action to update the column manually.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Set Workflow Status Upgrade action article in Nintex Community.

Note: A Set workflow status action included in a site workflow in Nintex for Office 365 is mapped to a placeholder action after upgrading because site workflows do not have an associated SharePoint list.

Set workflow variable Set a variable value

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Collection variables are not supported.

Sort Items in collection Sort items in collection

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Start a task process Assign a task to multiple users

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Start a Task Process action article in Nintex Community.

Start workflow Call a workflow

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Start Workflow action article in Nintex Community.

Start workflow in Nintex Workflow

Call a workflow

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Start Workflow in Nintex Workflow action article in Nintex Community.

State machine Branch by stage  
Strikeiron Email verification

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.

Requires review of configuration.

Strikeiron Exchange rate and currency converter

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Strikeiron Geo IP location

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Strikeiron IP lookup

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Strikeiron SMS alerts and notifications

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Switch Branch by value

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Updated to Branch by value action. The Log value of Other branch check box in the Nintex for Office 365 configuration, is replaced with a Log to instance action in the "Other" branch in the Branch by value action.

Terminate current workflow End this workflow

Requires review of configuration.

Terminate workflow instances End this workflow

Requires review of configuration.

Translate document

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Trim string Modify string

Available in Nintex Workflow.

Changed to Modify string action.

Twitter Search

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Twitter Tweet

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Update list item SharePoint Online - Update items

Available in Nintex Workflow.

In Nintex Workflow all items returned from the query are updated. In Nintex for Office 365 this action only updates the first item.

Update XML Update XML

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Update XML action article in Nintex Community.

Wait for event in list item SharePoint Online - Wait for event in list item

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Wait for Event in List Item action article in Nintex Community.

Wait for field change in list item SharePoint Online - Wait for event in list item

Requires review of configuration.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Wait for Field Change in Current Item action article in Nintex Community.

Web request

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.

For more information about upgrading a workflow that has this action, see the Upgrade Web Request action article in Nintex Community.

WordPress New blog post

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Wunderground weather

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Create group

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Create new account

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Message

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Remove account

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Retrieve messages

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Retrieve user profile

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Search messages

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Search topics

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Send invitation

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Update group

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.
Yammer Update user profile

Not available.

This action is not available in Nintex Workflow. After upgrading this action is replaced with a placeholder in the workflow. For information about alternative actions, see Recommendations for unsupported actions.