Clear collection

The Clear collection action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. removes all items from the specified collection A variable containing multiple items, such as email addresses. Collection variables are useful for storing and operating on query results. For example, you can set up collection variables for names, email addresses, and index values to store results from querying a list. You can then loop through items in a particular collection variable (names, emails, or index values)..

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Add and configure the Clear collection action

In the Designer page:

  1. Click the Collection operations action group in the action toolbox.


    Find actions by browsing action groups, or by typing an action name or function in the Search field at the top of the action toolbox.

  2. Drag the Clear collection action to the point in the workflow when you want to clear the collection variable.
  3. Click the Clear collection action.
  4. Select the Target collection. For more information on the fields, see Clear collection fields.


    Example configuration

    Example returned contents

    Target collection collProduce

    apple; carrot; romaine

    The next time the collection variable is referenced after this action runs, no contents will be returned.