Mailchimp - Create an event

Important: This connector and its actions have been removed from Nintex Workflow and can now be found in Nintex Gallery.

Use the Mailchimp - Create an event action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. to create a new event for Mailchimp list members. The action is typically used after Mailchimp - Get lists action.

For more information about Mailchimp, go to Mailchimp.

Configure the Mailchimp - Create an event action

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  1. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
  1. Select the List from the drop-down.

  2. Specify a Name for the event.

  3. Specify the Subscriber email address of the person you are creating the event for.

Mailchimp - Create an event action fields and settings



Variable types

Connection Credentials and other settings that enables workflows to communicate with external systems, services, or applications. It's required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

The Mailchimp connection to use to retrieve the list of stores.

To refresh the available connections, click .


List The unique identifier for the Mailchimp list that's associated with the store. This list is populated based on the connection you chose. You can also get a List ID from the Mailchimp - Get lists action. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
Name The name for this type of event (purchased, visited, etc). The name must be 2-30 characters in length. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
Subscriber email The email address of the list member you are creating the event for. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection