Workflow designer

Use the workflow designer to design your workflow and configure your workflow start event The connector and event for triggering the workflow to run, including required configuration. An example is Box - New file, which triggers the workflow to run when a new file is uploaded to the specified folder. and actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows.. The workflow designer page includes the toolbar, actions toolbox, and designer canvas.

Important: The maximum size for a workflow design is 25MB. For more information, see Workflow size .

Configure the start event

The start event determines when the workflow starts and what information is gathered at that point.

Add, rename, and copy actions

Actions define the sub processes that occur when your workflow runs.

Disable and delete actions

Disabled actions (including any child actions) appear greyed out on the designer canvas and are omitted when the workflow runs.

Navigate large workflows

Compress the workflow design by collapsing container actions. Zoom in or out on your workflow design using the zoom selector.

Action options menu

The action options menu contains options to manage an action in a workflow. It provides options such as copy, rename, disable or enable, and delete.

  • Click to the right of the action.

The following options are available:

Option Description
Add Branch Adds a branch to the action. (Displayed for actions allowing more than two branches.) 


Opens the action configuration panel.


Copies the action and its configuration settings for pasting to a drop zone on the design canvas.

Note: The options menu for a drop zone () includes the Paste option.


Removes the action from the workflow.


Omits the action (and any child actions) when the workflow runs.


Includes the action (and any child actions) when the workflow runs.


Displays the action name in editable form for you to customize. The custom name is displayed on the canvas; when the action is executed during the run of the workflow, the custom name is also displayed on the Instance details page.