Instance details

View the detailed status of a workflow instance, including any logged information, on the Instance details page. You can also resubmit a workflow, terminate an instance, and create a support ticket.

Note: Instances are terminated when they reach a 1-year running time. All terminated workflows can be resubmitted from the beginning with the same start data as the original workflow. Resubmitting the workflow will create a new instance of the workflows. For more information, see Resubmit a workflow.

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Access the Instance details page

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Automate.

  2. On the left, click Instances.
  3. Click the name of the instance that you want to view.

    The Instance details page is displayed.

View the workflow

You can open and view the associated workflow directly from the Instance details page. The workflow is displayed in the workflow designer.

In the Workflow details section on the Instance details page, click the Name.

View other instances of the workflow

In the Workflow details section on the Instance details page, click View other instances of the workflow.

Resubmit a workflow

You can resubmit a Failed, Completed, or Terminated workflow instance. The workflow is resubmitted with the same start data as the original, and a new instance of the workflow is created. You can resubmit a single instance from the Instance details page. Go to the Instances page to resubmit multiple instances. For more information about resubmitting workflows, see Resubmit workflows.

  1. Open the Instance you want to resubmit from the Instances page. The instance details page is displayed.

  1. In the Instance details section or in the Instance history section, click Resubmit.

    • The Instance history section is displayed only if the instance has been previously resubmitted.

    • Only the latest instance can be resubmitted.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

  2. Click Resubmit.

    The instance is resubmitted with the same start data and a new instance is created.

    Tip: Click Terminate if you want to terminate a running instance.

View instance activities and logged information

Important: Beginning in June 2022, instance activity data will be available only for completed workflows that started after December 1, 2021. Running workflows that started before this date and workflows that are still running will still be accessible on the Instances page. Instance activity data for completed workflows that started before December 1, 2021, can be accessed in Nintex Insights using the Instance activity for workflow report. For more information, see the Nintex Insights help.

On the Instance details page, under Instance activities, look for the action Log to instance details and expand it as needed to view logged information.

Terminate running instances

You can terminate instances from the Instances page.

  1. On the Instance details page, to the right of the Instance details heading, click next to an instance that is in progress.
  2. Click Terminate from the options menu.

Create a support ticket

  1. On the Instance details page, to the right of the Instance details heading, click Create support ticket.

  2. Follow the prompts to submit instance details to Nintex Support.