Instance details
View the detailed status of a workflow instance, including any logged information, on the Instance details page. You can also resubmit a workflow, terminate an instance, and create a support ticket.
Note: Instances are terminated when they reach a 1-year running time. All terminated workflows can be resubmitted from the beginning with the same start data as the original workflow. Resubmitting the workflow will create a new instance of the workflows. For more information, see Resubmit a workflow.
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Access the Instance details page
On the top navigation bar, click Automate.
- On the left, click Instances.
- Click the name of the instance that you want to view.
The Instance details page is displayed.
View the workflow
You can open and view the associated workflow directly from the Instance details page. The workflow is displayed in the workflow designer.
In the Workflow details section on the Instance details page, click the Name.
View other instances of the workflow
In the Workflow details section on the Instance details page, click View other instances of the workflow.
Resubmit a workflow
You can resubmit a Failed, Completed, or Terminated workflow instance. The workflow is resubmitted with the same start data as the original, and a new instance of the workflow is created. You can resubmit a single instance from the Instance details page. Go to the Instances page to resubmit multiple instances. For more information about resubmitting workflows, see Resubmit workflows.
Open the Instance you want to resubmit from the Instances page. The instance details page is displayed.
In the Instance details section or in the Instance history section, click Resubmit.
The Instance history section is displayed only if the instance has been previously resubmitted.
Only the latest instance can be resubmitted.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Resubmit.
The instance is resubmitted with the same start data and a new instance is created.
Tip: Click Terminate if you want to terminate a running instance.
View instance activities and logged information
Important: Beginning in June 2022, instance activity data will be available only for completed workflows that started after December 1, 2021. Running workflows that started before this date and workflows that are still running will still be accessible on the Instances page. Instance activity data for completed workflows that started before December 1, 2021, can be accessed in Nintex Insights using the Instance activity for workflow report. For more information, see the Nintex Insights help.
On the Instance details page, under Instance activities, look for the action Log to instance details and expand it as needed to view logged information.
Terminate running instances
You can terminate instances from the Instances page.
- On the Instance details page, to the right of the Instance details heading, click
next to an instance that is in progress.
- Click Terminate from the options menu.
Create a support ticket
On the Instance details page, to the right of the Instance details heading, click Create support ticket.
Follow the prompts to submit instance details to Nintex Support.
Error handling and resolving paused instances
When a workflow instance encounters a resolvable error, it's either failed or paused, depending on the workflow settings. Opting for the fail option will fail the instance when any error is encountered. Choosing the pause option will pause the workflow when a resolvable error occurs, allowing the workflow designer to either investigate and resolve the error before resuming the workflow instance from where it paused or fail the instance.
For information about the list of possible errors, resolutions and supported actions and connectors, see the Error codes and recommended resolutions and Supported actions and connectors and error messages that will pause instances sections below.
Open the paused instance from the Instances page. The instance details page is displayed.
In the Instance activities section, click Resolve instance.
The Resolve paused instance panel is displayed.
Resolve instance is not available for Failed instances.
Select the Action you want to take for the instance.
Resume instance: The workflow resumes from the point it was paused.
Fail instance: The instance is failed and the workflow instance status is updated to Failed.
Add a Comment to describe the action you took. You can provide details about how you resolved the error or why you want to fail the instance.
Click Apply.
If you selected to Resume the instance, the workflow resumes from the point it was paused.
If you selected to Fail the instance, the instance is failed and the workflow instance status is updated to Failed.
Supported actions and connectors and error messages that will pause instances
Note the following exceptions:
Localization is applied to the Error handling settings screen. If a third-party action triggers an error and returns an error message containing the word "found," the instance will be paused. However, if the error message is another language and the term "found" is in a different language, the instance will not be paused.
Connectors still on the old workflow engine (v1) will not be supported for error handling. Failing actions, even after auto-retries, will still fail immediately and they will need to be resubmitted. For more information about the workflow engine, see Workflow engine.
Supported Actions | Errors codes or error messages that will pause instances |
Supported Connectors | Errors codes or error messages that will pause instances |
Most connectors are supported. To view the list of supported connecters, see Connectors that support error handling. |
Gateway connectors*:
Important: *Gateway connectors require Nintex Gateway v.3.5.11. Click the Download Nintex Gateway button to download the latest Nintex Gateway installer. For more information, see Nintex Gateway.
Error codes and recommended resolutions
Important: While these errors will pause an instance, not all errors are resolvable or recoverable. The option to Fail the instance can be used in these situations.
Error codes or messages that will pause instances | Recommended resolution |
Connectors that support error handling

The following fields or columns are displayed when you click an instance name.
Section | Field or column | Description |
Back to Instances |
Click to go back to the Instances page with the most recent search parameters. |
(instance name) |
The name of the instance that is displayed on the top of the page and derived from the following information:
Instance details | Create support ticket | Sends the details of this workflow instance to Nintex Support. |
Lists the following options for the indicated instance.
The Options icon is displayed for instances with an "In progress" status only. |
Initiated | Date and time when the instance began running. | |
Finished | Date and time when the instance reached completion. | |
Status | Indicates current status for this instance. Examples: In progress, Completed, Failed. | |
Instance ID |
Identifier for this workflow instance. In your workflow design, use the workflow instance variable "Workflow instance ID" to reference the identifier of the workflow instance. For example, you can insert this variable into an email message that is sent when the workflow runs, to pinpoint which instance of the workflow sent the message. The workflow instance ID appears as "Instance ID" on the Instance details page. |
Workflow details | Name |
Name of workflow for this instance. In your workflow design, use the workflow instance variable "Workflow name" to reference the workflow name. For example, you can insert this variable into an email message that is sent when the workflow runs, to pinpoint the workflow that sent the message. |
Published | Date and time when the workflow was published. | |
Instance start data |
Click to display data for the start event of the workflow. When Nintex - Form is the start event, user input collected from all form fields in the start form are displayed as Instance start data. |
Instance activities |
Refresh |
Click to refresh a running instance. |
Resolve instance | Resolve paused instances. For more information, see Error handling and resolving paused instances. | |
Sequence |
Order of activity. Click to sort the sequence in ascending or descending order. |
Action name |
Identifier of activity (action) as displayed on the design canvas; may be a user-defined value. For example, if you change the name for Send an email to "Email workflow started notification," then this custom name appears here. |
expand/ collapse arrows |
An action's activities are grouped in one sequence. Click to expand the row and view information about the sequence. |
Default action name |
Nintex-provided name for the activity (action); includes third party identifier if relevant. Example: Send an email. |
Start time |
Date and time when the activity began. |
Status |
Current status for the indicated activity. |
End time |
Date and time when the activity completed. |