Yammer is an enterprise social networking service used for private communication within organizations. Access to a Yammer network is determined by a user's Internet domain so that only individuals with approved email addresses may join their respective networks. The service began as an internal communication system for the genealogy website - Geni.com, and was launched as an independent product in 2008. Microsoft later acquired Yammer in 2012, and it is included in all enterprise plans of Office 365 and Microsoft 365. In 2023, Yammer changed its name to Viva Engage.
For more information on Yammer, see the company website.
In the context of Nintex Workflow, Yammer is a connector A software component that allows seamless integration with third-party services, business applications, and content stores. Examples include Salesforce, Box, and Microsoft SharePoint. Connectors are used to create connections required for workflow actions and start events..
The Yammer connector A software component that allows seamless integration with third-party services, business applications, and content stores. Examples include Salesforce, Box, and Microsoft SharePoint. Connectors are used to create connections required for workflow actions and start events. is used to create connections for Yammer actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process.. Use Yammer actions to retrieve groups and users and to send messages to groups and users.
Create a Yammer connection
Note: Your browser-stored credentials are accessed to create connections. Either clear credentials from browser memory or make sure the stored credentials are for the intended environment.
Create a connection from the connections page or from the action configuration panel when configuring the action. For information about creating connections and assigning permissions, see Manage connections.
Yammer account requirements
- Nintex Workflow uses the Nintex Workflow - Yammer Connector to create Yammer connections. This connection requires you to grant the Nintex Workflow domain access to certain Yammer data.
- The account you use to create a connection for Yammer is the account that has access to the Yammer actions.
- You must register your app in Yammer. During app registration, set the Redirect URI to https://*.nintex.io/connection/api/Token, where * is the region in which your tenant is hosted (i.e., au, us, eu). A client secret and client ID will be generated. After app registration, the client ID and client secret are shown on the Client Application page.