Bing Maps

Bing Maps is an online mapping service provided as part of Miscrosoft's Bing suite of search engines. In the context of Nintex Automation Cloud, Bing Maps is a connector Service used to define a connection required for associated actions and start events. Examples include Salesforce and Box. Method of integration to cloud services, business applications and content stores. and is used to create connections for Bing Mapsactions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows.. Use Bing Maps actions to retrieve locations by address, coordinates, or query search.

For more information on and to use Bing Maps see the Bing Maps website.

Create a Bing Maps connection

Create a connection from the connections page or from the action configuration panel when configuring the action. For information about creating connections and assigning permissions, see Manage connections.

Fill the following fields when creating the connection:



Connection name A name for your new connection.
API Key The API key from your Bing Maps account. Log in to you Bing Maps account and create or copy your key from the Dev Center > My keys page.

Bing Maps account requirements

  • You must have a Bing Maps account before creating this connection.
  • You must use a Bing Maps API key to create a connection. Log in to you Bing Maps account and create or copy your key from the Dev Center > My keys page.