Management Console: SmartObject Services

K2 Management Console - SmartObject Services

Selecting the Services option of the SmartObjects Node presents the following default options:

Default Option What it is
Account Management Configures the Active Directory Account Management Service
Active Directory Service 2 Configures the Active Directory SmartObject Service
Azure Active Directory To register an instance for Azure Active Directory you must use the SmartObject Tester Tool. Registering the service through workspace will not work.
CRM Entity Configures the CRM Entity Service
CRM Functions Configures the CRM Functions Service
DocuSign Configures the DocuSign Service
Endpoints Service Configures the CRM Functions Service
Exchange Configures the CRM Functions Service
Oracle Service Configures the Oracle Service
SalesForce Service Configures the Sales Force SmartObject Service
SharePoint 2013 The K2 SharePoint 2013 Broker allows users to interact with SharePoint List, Libraries and Sites via the SharePoint CSOM (client side object model) and REST APIs.
SharePoint 2013 Integration The K2 SharePoint 2013 Integration broker is an internal broker that K2 uses for integrating with SharePoint in order to gain access to SharePoint Events, Form Submit Types, Helper Methods, Settings, Setting Events, Workflow and Workflow Events.
SharePoint Functions The SharePoint Functions SmartObject Service is a System SmartObject and is used by K2 blackpearl to configure Groups and Metadata in the K2 Process Designer.
SharePoint Service Configures the SharePoint SmartObject Service
SharePoint Service V2 Configures the SharePoint SmartObject Service
SharePoint Content Configures the SharePoint Content Service
SharePoint Management Configures the SharePoint Management Service
Smartbox Service Configures the Smartbox SmartObject Service
UserRole Manager Service Configures the User Role SmartObject Service
SQL Reporting Service Configures the SQL Reporting SmartObject Service
SQL Server Service Configures the SQL Server Service
Task Allocation Service Configures the Task Allocation Service
Workflow Reporting Configures the Workflow SmartObject Service
Workflow Service Configures the Workflow SmartObject Service

For information on Transaction support in Service Instances, follow the See Also link at the foot of this page.

Other SmartObject Services may also be available if they have been configured on the K2 platform.  Each Service contains a Service Instance List which will contain Add, Edit and Delete options.

Fig. 1. Service Instance List

Option What it is How to use it
Selected Selects the SmartObject Service configuration, enabling an administrator to Edit or Delete the Service Click on the option circle
Display Name The name of the configured SmartObject Service User Reference
Description A description of the configured SmartObject Service User Reference

Add a Service Instance

To add a Service Instance to this list, click on Add. The Service Type Configuration screen is displayed. Complete the Display Name, Description, select the Service from the list and click Save. The Service Instance will be added to the list of services.


Fig. 2. Add Service

Edit a Service Instance

To edit a Service Instance, select the Service Instance, then click Edit. The Edit Service Type screen will be loaded with the information as provided previously. Edit the information as required and click Save.

SmartObject Server Exception: Timeout expired error

The error shown in the image will result if the Timeout period set in the  [InstallDir]\Host Server\Bin\SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.config file is exceeded when registering, editing, refreshing, or deleting a service instance of any type. To increase the Timeout value, edit the file "SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.config"

 Example of a configured command timeout value set to 120 seconds:

    <add key="commandtimeout" value="120"/>

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)