CRM4 Entity

CRM Entity Service Instance

The CRM entity service instance is used for the SmartObjects which are created while using SharePoint.

This feature does not currently support the specified service instance authentication mode.

CRM Entity Service Instance Configuration

figure 1 - Service Instance Configuration


If the CRM Server URL and Organizational details were not configured during the installation of K2 then these fields will be displayed in the Service Instance Configuration screen requiring a connection to be made to the CRM Server.

figure 2 - Service Instance Configuration with configuration fields

Service Instance Configuration
CRMServerURL: Stipulate the CRM Server's URL
OrganizationName Provide the Organization Name
Security Provider NA
User Name User name to access the CRM Server
Password User Password
Extra Provides additional information, for example dll paths needed. Not applicable to this service
Impersonate NA


Save Service Instance

figure 2 - Service Instance Configuration

Service Instance Configuration
System Name The name given to the Service used by the supporting infrastructure
Display Name The name displayed for the user
Description A description provided by the user



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)