Active Directory(AD) Service2

K2 Management Console - Active Directory Service2

The Active Directory Service2 provides new objects and methods to access information from Active Directory for easy access and use of information to help create business processes and workflows in K2 blackpearl.

The service provides read capabilities for Active Directory entities like Users, Groups and Organization Units. Commonly used to read user data from AD or to list group/OU membership.

Nested Organizational Units cannot be used in the Active Directory Service2

These objects and methods are as follows:

AD Object Methods Required Parameter Description
Active Directory User GetUsers None This is a List Method which will return all users listed within Active Directory
Active Directory User GetUserDetails User Name This is a Load Method which will return all the available detail regarding the provided user
Active Directory User GetUsersByGroup Group Name This is a Load Method which will return all the users in the specified Group
Active Directory User GetOrganizationalUnitUsers Organizational Unit Name This is a Load Method which will return all the users of the specified Organizational Unit
Active Directory User GetUserPeers User Name This is a Load Method which will return all the peers of the specified user
Active Directory Group GetGroups None required, User Name optional This is a List Method which will return all the available Groups within Active Directory. This method can also be used to list all the groups a specified user belongs to, if the user name is supplied
Active Directory Group GetGroupDetails Group Name This is a Load Method which will return all the available detail regarding the provided group
Active Directory Group GetGroupsByUser User Name This is a Load Method which will return all the groups a specified user belongs to
Active Directory Group GetOrganizationalUnitGroups Organizational Unit Name This is a Load Method which will return all the groups a specified Organizational Unit belongs to
Active Directory Organizational Unit GetOrganizationalUnit None This is a List Method which will return all the available Organizational Units within Active Directory
Active Directory Organizational Unit GetOrganizationalUnitDetails None This is a List Method which will return all the available Organizational Units within Active Directory's Details.

To make use of the new objects and methods within Active Directory, an advanced SmartObject needs to be created to map the methods to the desired Active Directory object methods.

Follow the steps below to perform this:

Create an Advanced SmartObject to map to the new Active Directory Service Objects

Remove all the default methods

Click Add in the SmartObject Method section

Provide the method with a name in the Name text box

Browse the Context Browser to add the desired Active Directory Object Method

Select the required Object Method

After the required method has been selected, the properties will need to be mapped in the Add Service Object Method screen

When the new method has been added, the relevant properties and method will be available for future use within the SmartObject.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)