The K2 SharePoint CSOM Management Service

The K2 SharePoint CSOM Management Service

The K2 SharePoint Management service allows users to interact with SharePoint's CSOM (client side object model), managing lists and libraries.

For more information please see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee857094.aspx

SharePoint CSOM Service in K2 Workspace

The SharePoint CSOM Management Service can be located in the Management Console in the SmartObjects > Services section. Once the Service instance has been created the Service Object methods will appear in the K2 Object Browser. 


Option Description
Add Adds a new Service Instance. Selecting to add a new Service Instance will open the Service Instance Configuration wizard screen
Edit Edits the selected Service Instance. Selecting to edit an existing Service Instance will open the Edit Service Instance wizard screen
Credentials For future use
Remove Deletes the selected configured Service Instance
Selected Selects the SmartObject Service configuration, enabling an administrator to Edit or Delete the configured Service
Display Name The name of the Configured SmartObject Service
Description A description of the configured SmartObject Service

Service Instance Configuration

Option Description

Site URL

(Required) The local or cloud SharePoint site URL against which the instance is registered and from where the ServiceObjects are to be exposed. The default value is HTTP://
Admin Site URL The local or cloud Central Administration site URL against which the instance is registered and from where the ServiceObjects are exposed. The default value is blank.
Version (Required) This is the service type assembly file version. The default value is read from the file in the Windows system.
Dynamic (Required) When set to true this will force the user to specify a complete URL during execution as opposed to relative URLs based on the instance. Default value is False.
Office 365

(Required) If the Site URL field value is a URL which points to a local SharePoint system (within the domain), this field must be set to False. If the value is set to True, it will indicate the URL is not local and is external – E.g.: Cloud

Service Time Out (Required) Service registration time out. The default value is 120000ms
Security Provider Enter the required Security Provider label (SharePoint). The security provider label is mapped to the security provider created for the service types.
User Name Your Online or local account user name
Password Your Online or local account user password
Extra No information is actually required in this field for the SharePoint security providers. We do not use this field during registration, we use the actual site URL specified in the instance.
Impersonate Select this check box to enable impersonation rights. The impersonate option allows the K2HostServer service account to impersonate the user.
Enforce Impersonation This is a Pass-through Authentication option. If Enforce Impersonation is NOT checked, and K2 Pass-through Authentication fails for the impersonated user, the service will revert to the K2 Service Account, and retry. If Enforce Impersonation IS checked, the service will not revert to the K2 Service Account if it fails with the impersonated user.

 When configuring the rights the following applies:

Clicking Next will load the Service Instance Configuration screen:

Option Description How to use it
System Name The name of the SmartObject Service Enter the name of the SmartObject Service
Display Name user friendly name for the SmartObject Service Enter a user friendly name for the SmartObject Service
Description A description for the SmartObject Service Enter a description for the SmartObject Service

Edit SharePoint Service

To edit a Service Instance, select the Service Instance, then click Edit. The Edit Service Instance screen will be loaded with the information as provided previously. Edit the information as required and click Save.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)