SharePoint Service V2

SmartObject Services - SharePoint Service V2

This service is used to expose List and Libraries as SmartObjects. It provides read and write capabilities to read, update, delete, list and add attachments to SharePoint libraries and Lists.

The service is also used to read user information such as user details, colleagues, peers, managers and direct reports.

Service instances are configured per site, and the user may limit which List and Libraries to expose as SmartObjects.

The SmartObject Management Node presents an Administrator with Security and Services options. 

K2 Management - SharePoint Service V2

Option Description
Security Configures Create and Delete SmartObject Rights
Services Configures default Services and allows an administrator to add new SmartObject Services

Other SmartObject Services may also be available if they have been configured on the K2 platform.

Each Service contains a Service Instance List which will contain the following options:

SmartObjects - SharePoint Service V2

Option What it is How to use it
Selected Selects the SmartObject Service configuration, enabling an administrator to Edit or Delete the Service Click on the radio button
Display Name The name of the configured SmartObject Service User Reference
Description A description of the configured SmartObject Service User Reference
What it is How to use it
Adds a new SmartObject Service Instance Click on the Add button
Edits the selected SmartObject Service Instance Click on the Edit button
Credentials Click on the Credentials button
Deletes the selected SmartObject Service Click on the Delete buttons

SharePoint Service V2

Setting Value Required
SharePointSiteURL Enter the SharePoint Site URL - e.g. http://K2blackpearl/Order This is a required field
List Leave this setting blank or enter a List name, using a semicolon if more than one List type is added Not a required field
SmartObjectSettings This field is for internal use of the SharePoint K2 SmartObject Service Management feature.Leave this setting blank or enter a SmartObject Associations that is set as parameters in this field Not a required field
Dynamic This is a boolean field. Enter either True or False value. Not a required field
ConnectionString See Also link This is a required field
Version See Also link This is a required field
DoNotCreateSo See Also link Not a required field
ReturnInternalValue See Also link This is a required field
Option What to do
Security Provider Enter the Security Provider - e.g. SourceCode.Hosting.SecurityProviders.SmartBox.
User Name Enter the user Name - e.g. Administrator.
Password Enter the associated password - e.g. K2pass.
Extra Provides additional information, for example dll paths needed. (Optional)
Impersonate The impersonate option allows the K2HostServer service account to impersonate the user.

When configuring the rights the following applies:

Clicking Next will load the Service Instance Configuration screen:

Option What it is How to use it
System Name The name of the SmartObject Service Enter the name of the SmartObject Service
Display Name user friendly name for the SmartObject Service Enter a user friendly name for the SmartObject Service
Description A description for the SmartObject Service Enter a description for the SmartObject Service

Edit SharePoint Service V2

To edit a Service Instance, select the Service Instance, then click Edit. The Edit Service Instance screen will be loaded with the information as provided previously. Edit the information as required and click Save.

Difference between SharePoint Service and SharePoint Service V2

The main differences between the two versions are as follows:

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)