Wizard Navigation

Escalation Rule Wizard - Wizard Navigation

The Escalation Rule Wizard displays the following wizard screens:

Welcome General Properties Rule Template Escalate After Escalate On Working Hours Action Template

Action Template Default Action Expire Activity Action Action Template Action Template Action Template Email Settings Message Body Advanced Settings Finished Redirect Action Goto Action

Screen What it does
Welcome Starts the process of the Escalation Rule wizard configuration
General Properties Provides the escalation with a name and description
Rule Template Provides a basis for configuring the escalation
Escalate After Configures the escalation after action
Escalate On Configures the escalation on action
Working Hours Configures the working hours that should be used
Action Template Configures the action that should be performed
Default Action Configures the default template that can be edited via the View Action Code function for customization purposes
E-mail Settings Configures the e-mail settings for the e-mail that will be sent to the destination user
Message Body Configures the message body for the e-mail that will be sent to the destination user
Advanced Settings Configures the Advanced Settings of the configuration
Redirect Action Configures the Redirect action
Goto Action Configures the Goto action
Expire Activity Configures the Expire action
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)