Workflow tracking

A participant role is required. For more information, see User roles.

The Workflow tracking page displays all the workflows that you're a business owner of. You can contact the workflow designer to add you as a business owner to workflows you want to track. After you're added as a business owner, the workflows will be displayed in Workflow tracking.

The Workflow tracking page provides one central location for to:

  • View all workflows that you are a business owner of.

  • View all instances of a selected workflow.

  • Drill into and view more details of a specific instance of a workflow.

  • View the activity feed, active tasks, and task history.

To assign business owner permissions to workflows, see Manage workflow permissions.

Note: A maximum of 250 workflows are displayed in the Workflow tracking page.

Access the Workflow tracking page

  1. On the top navigation bar, click My Nintex.
  2. On the left menu, click Workflow tracking.

View workflow instances

Selecting a workflow displays all the workflow instances that started during the last 30 days. Filter options are available to view the instances for a different period of time.

Instances are also displayed in colored tiles that shows the number of instances per status, with each color corresponding to a status. Clicking on a tile filters the instances displayed in the list.

The instances with the following statuses are displayed:

  • All instances: Number of all the instances for the workflow.

  • Running: Instances of workflows that have started and are currently running.

  • Completed: Instances of workflows that have started and finished.

  • Error: Instances of workflows that have started and ended because of an error.

  • Terminated: Instances of workflows that have started and are ended by a user.

  1. On the Workflow tracking page, click a workflow name.

    Displays the instances of the selected workflow.

  2. To view instances of a specific status, click one of the status tiles.

Resubmit a workflow

Business owners can resubmit a workflow instance with a Failed, Completed, or Terminated status from the Workflow tracking page. The workflow is resubmitted with the same start data and a new instance of the workflow is created.

For more information about resubmitting workflows, see Resubmit workflows.

  1. In the Workflow tracking page, click a workflow name to open the instances of the workflow.

    The instances are displayed. If there are any instances that have been resubmitted, the original instance and resubmitted instances are shown together in a drop-down.

  2. Click Select to resubmit. Check boxes are enabled to select instances. Only Failed, Completed, or Terminated workflow instances can be resubmitted.
  3. Select the check boxes of the instances you want to resubmit. You can select multiple instances.
    • The Resubmit button is enabled when at least one instance is selected.

    • When you select instances the number of instances selected is shown in brackets on the Resubmit button.

    • If you select an instance with resubmitted versions, only the latest instance is resubmitted.

    • You can select a maximum of 50 instances.

  1. Click Resubmit.

View the activity feed for a workflow instance

The activity feed provides all users involved in a workflow instance full visibility of all activities and actions that occur throughout its life cycle and enables improved overall decision making within the process.

  1. On the Workflow tracking page, click the workflow you want.

    The instances of the selected workflow are displayed.

  2. To view the activity feed, click a workflow instance.

For more information about what's displayed in the activity feed, see Activity feed.

Override tasks

  A business owner role is required. For information, see My Nintex permissions.

In My Nintex, business owners can override active tasks through the task activity feed.

  • A business owner is able to override tasks only if the workflow owner has selected the Override tasks setting for business owners for the workflow in My Nintex settings. To update the setting, open the My Nintex settings for the workflow and select or clear the Override tasks check box in the Business owners section. For more information, see Business owner settings.

  • The Override task feature is only available for tasks created with the Assign a task to multiple users action.

  1. Find the workflow with the task that you want to override and click the workflow instance name to open it.

    The activity feed for the workflow instance is displayed.

  1. Expand the Active tasks section and then expand the Show individual responses section.

  2. On the top right of the individual response for the active task, click .
  3. On the menu that opens, click Override task.
  4. Complete the steps below, depending on the task type:

    • If the task type is Form or Form and Express approval, complete the form that displays and click Submit.
    • If the task type is Express approval only, select the task's outcome and then click Save.

    The task is displayed as Overridden by the business owner's name in the activity feed. Additionally, if you selected an outcome for the task, it is shown in the activity feed.

Delegate tasks

Business owners can delegate active tasks to another user to respond to the task on their behalf.

  • A business owner is able to delegate tasks only if the workflow owner has selected the Delegate tasks setting for business owners for the workflow in My Nintex settings. To update the setting, open the My Nintex settings for the workflow and select or clear the Delegate tasks check box in the Business owners section. For more information, see Business owner settings.

  • Manual delegation is available for Task assignees and business owners. For information about task assignees and manual delegation, see Delegate tasks.

  • Manual delegation is only available for tasks created with the Assign a task to multiple users action.

  1. In the Workflow tracking page open the workflow you want. The instances of the workflow are displayed.
  2. Click the Instance name.

    The activity feed for the workflow instance is displayed.

  1. Expand the Active tasks section and then expand the Show individual responses section.

  2. On the top right of the individual response for the active task, click .

    Important: The menu is displayed only when the task is Active.

  1. On the menu that opens, click Delegate task.
  1. In the Assignees field, enter the user you want to delegate the task to. As you start typing, the list of matching users is displayed.
    • You can delegate the task to a maximum of ten users. Use semicolons to separate multiple email addresses.

    • If you delegate the task to multiple assignees, the first response is taken as the response to the task.

    • You can remove the current assignee and add additional assignees or keep the current assignee and add more assignees.

    • Escalated to assignees tasks cannot be delegated to other users.

  2. (Optional) Enter a Message to add to the task message that is sent to the new assignees.

  3. Click Delegate.

    The task delegation request is submitted.

Start workflows with a SharePoint Online or Nintex - Form start event

Business owners can manually start a workflow with a SharePoint Online or Nintex - Form start event from the Workflow tracking page in My Nintex.

  1. In the Workflow tracking page, open the workflow with a SharePoint Online or Nintex - Form start event. The list of instances for the workflow is displayed.

  2. Click Run now. The Run workflow dialog box is displayed. The fields displayed depend on the type of start event:

Search by instance name

  1. On the Workflow tracking page, click the workflow you want.

    The instances of the selected workflow are displayed.

  2. In the Search field, type the name of the instance you want to search for.

Filter instances data

You can filter the displayed instances by date or by using the status tiles.

  • Date: You can select a preset date range or set a custom date range to display instance data for the selected period.

    1. Click the drop-down displaying the date range.

    2. Select Preset or Custom.

      • Preset: click 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days.

      • Custom: click a beginning and end date in the calendar.

      The instances for the date range you select are displayed.

  • Status tiles: Instances are also displayed in colored tiles that shows the number of instances per status, with each color corresponding to a status.

    Click a tile to filter the instances based on the status.

View details of the workflow publisher

Open the Workflow tracker page, and click the user name displayed in the Published by column.

A pop-up dialog is displayed. It displays the name and Email address of the user who published the workflow.