Adding K2 Web Parts in SharePoint 2010

Adding K2 Web Parts in SharePoint 2010

Now that the Web Part solution has been deployed and activated, you can add the K2 Web Part to the SharePoint pages. The steps below will add the web part to the K2 Process Portal home page, but it could just as easily be added to any page in your SharePoint environment. The following web parts are added to a K2 Process Portal by default:

To add additional web parts, perform the following steps:

Open an Internet Explorer browser

Navigate to your K2 Process Portal home page

Click Site Actions > Edit Page

In a Zone, click Add a Web Part

In the Categories section, scroll down to the K2 General or K2 Process Portal folder. The available web parts are listed here

Select the K2 Web Part you want to add

Click Add. The page will refresh with the new web part. An error will be displayed if your K2 Server service is not running or if the K2 Server details are not up to date.

Ensure that your K2 Server service is running. This service can be found in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Click on Stop Editing to finalize the changes

Select the process(s) from the Settings page if required

Web Parts

The following Web Parts are available:



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)