Instance Management - All

K2 Process Portal - The All View

The All view presents a list off all the process instances - in running/active, stopped, or error status.

Management Options for a Process Instance

The All view presents options to Start, Stop, Delete, Retry, and GoTo Activity within the folio drop-down depending on the status of the instance

Start a New Process Instance

To start a new process instance click on Actions and select Start New.

The Start New Process Instance dialogue screen will then display. Select the required process from the Processes list, configure the folio and the synchronization options and click Start.

Schedule a New Process Instance

To schedule when a new process instance will start, click on Actions and select Schedule New.

The Add Schedule screen will then show, allowing the administrator to create the schedule. See Process Management - Scheduler for more information.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)