Process Portal - Instance Management

K2 Process Portals - Instance Management View

Watch a short video on how to Repair processes that have encountered an error using Process Portal  (Length 3 minutes)

The Instance Management default view presents the user with summaries for each process added to the process portal.

The Instance Management menu presents options showing process instances in specific states: All, Running/Active, Stopped, and in Error. The options within these views allows a process instance to be Started, Stopped, Redirected, and Retried (if in error).


To start a new process instance click on Actions and select Start New.

The Start New Process Instance dialogue screen will then display. Select the required process from the Processes list, configure the folio and the synchronization options and click Start.

Clicking on the folio of a process instance will present an actions drop-down which may contain any of the following options:

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)