K2 Worklist in SharePoint

K2 for SharePoint - K2 Worklist in SharePoint

The K2 Worklist Main Page can be accessed within the main viewing area of the Process Portal. The Processes, Management Worklist and Instances Summary will only be reflected if the user has either K2 Server Admin, Process Admin or Process View rights. Refer to the section on Process Rights for more detail on permission rights

The K2 Worklist page presents the current user with the K2 Worklist and work items associated with workflow processes designed in either K2 Designer for Visual Studio or K2 Studio

Watch a short video on how to use the K2 Worklist in Process Portals  (Length 5 minutes)

Display Description
Worklist Lists all the work items assigned to the current user
Task items Double click the task item to process the work item
Refresh my tasks Refreshes the Home page and displays the latest work items
Quick Search Allows the user to search for a particular task item by specifying search criteria selected from the drop down box
Configuration Enables the user to configure and group the columns in the K2 Worklist according to their requirement
Clicking on the down arrow displayed next to each column heading enables the user to sort the work items in the K2 Worklist in ascending or descending order.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)