Configure Nintex Process Manager site settings

Promaster A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. privilege is required.

The Configuration page lets you customise your Nintex Process Manager site settings. It manages the key settings for process management, documentation, users and any Add-ons you have enabled for your Nintex Process Manager site.

View Configuration page

  • On the top-right of your Nintex Process Manager site, click Admin > Configure. The Configuration page displays the settings you can configure for your Nintex Process Manager site as described in the sections below.

To search for the required configuration option, use the search field on the right of the Configuration menu bar. Search for a term or part of a word related to the configuration you want to change, and the view filters accordingly.

On this page:

Branding configuration

The branding section lets you customise some of the way your site appears, particularly the background image for your sign in page, the logos that appear on your process map views and the emails that Nintex Process Manager sends out.

Dashboard configuration

The dashboard section lets you control the way your users’ dashboard behaves, and in particular the notifications they receive. You can also set the default process review period here, and how users are advised of them.

Documents configuration

The documents section manages how users can add or edit documents in your site. It controls document reviews, notifications and allows you to customise the document labels your site uses.

Email and Communications configuration

The email and communications section handles the features on your homepage and some of the central ways your Nintex Process Manager site communicates with users.

Integration configuration

The integration section allows you to configure settings for connecting to Nintex Workflow and Slack.

Intranet / Extranet Resources configuration

Nintex Process Manager can integrate into your intranet, extranet or SharePoint for ease of access to some of the useful features. It includes several widgets that let your users easily access Nintex Process Manager for their notifications and favourites or to search for a process. You can also embed the governance dashboard or integrate a Nintex Process Manager search component within SharePoint.

The configuration menu has several example URLs which you can modify to suit your needs, as well as some example text to help introduce new staff to what Nintex Process Manager is about. You can also generate minimode A permalink to a Nintex Promapp process or document which allows anonymous users to access processes, documents or process groups. links to any of your existing processes from this section.

Minimode configuration

Minimode links allow users from outside your Nintex Process Manager site to access certain processes, documents or forms anonymously without the need to log in, in a controlled and secure way.

Each link is unique, and they are coded so no one can guess a minimode link to another process or group based on one they have access to.

  • You can control the access anonymous users get via the configuration options described in the table below. You must put careful thought and consideration into deciding on the right level of control before turning on each of these minimode features for your site.
  • If you don't need to share information in your Nintex Process Manager site with users outside of your organisation - turn minimode off. You can still copy the process url and send it via email to another person, but they will need to log into Nintex Process Manager in order to view the process.
  • Unless you want anonymous users with a link to one process to be able to see all of your processes in Nintex Process Manager, ensure the following settings are disabled:

    • Enable viewing of underlying processes (Click through) (Default: Off)

    • Enable visibility of process groups navigation path (Default: Off

  • If you have minimode links enabled but have sensitive information, hide the sensitive processes in restricted groups (see Manage process groups) and use the Anonymous unless restricted option within the Required user authentication for access to minimode links setting to make these sensitive processes unavailable to anonymous users.

  • Unless you want a process to be discoverable via a search engine, do not publish minimode links on web pages, or put them in public documents that are available on web pages, and are crawled by search engines.

Print, Import, and Export configuration

You can allow the import of processes to Nintex Process Manager from several other formats, such as .xml, .xps and .xpdl, including some files from other tools like Microsoft Visio and iGrafx. For more information, see import a process.

Nintex Process Manager can also export processes or entire process groups to .xml files, so they can be imported into another Nintex Process Manager site. For more information, see export a process.

Process and Document Approval configuration

The Process and Document Approval Add-on introduces an added layer of accountability, requiring process changes to be approved before they can be published and recording process approvals in the change log.

With the Process and Document Approval mode active, you can also enable a Publish Now button on the dashboard for authorised users, which bypasses the approval system. When a process is published or archived, the change log reflects the approvals given and those bypassed. Enabling the auto process publish setting eliminates the need for a separate publisher. Once a process is fully approved, it will publish automatically.It will only auto approve if there are no publishers added to the process group.

Process Editing configuration

Process editing configuration settings control who can create or edit processes, and some of the options when doing so.

Here you can set access rights to systems and the glossary, decide whether to use Lean or system tags, map replacement images, process reviews, decision diamonds and the quick save function in some situations.

You can also restrict who can create or edit processes in your Nintex Process Manager site.

Process Timeframes configuration

Timeframes are used to measure the time your processes take and to calculate the associated costs. You can switch timeframe tracking on and off here, as well as the associated cost calculator. You can also relabel the timeframes and set the default views, viewers and working week.

Nintex Process Manager System Settings configuration

These settings are used to set the name that is displayed on your organisation’s site, time zone and the welcome message users see on their home page.

Security configuration

The security section manages how your users are authenticated. Here you can set the password requirements for your site, or if you have purchased the Single Sign On Add-on, configure those details.

Variations configuration

If you have enabled the Process Variations Management Add-on, use these settings to enable and configure the display label settings. For more information, see Managing variations.

Viewing Options configuration

Here you can choose whether to display process reference numbers, which are appended to the process title. You can also enable viewing ‘merged’ processes for all users.

Where a process contains a link to another process, a merged view allows users to expand the process activities within the map view of the ‘parent’ process, giving an integrated view of the complete flow. This is available to Promasters and Business Analysts by default, but can be enabled for all users here.