Getting Started with Nintex eSign
Welcome to Nintex eSign! Nintex eSign is an esignature platform that allows for sending out and signing of documents electronically. This is done by dragging and dropping Jotblocks to create sections that signers interact with when signing the document. This section is for users just getting started with Nintex eSign for the first time, and are looking for a quick overview of Nintex eSign and its functionality.
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Log in to Nintex eSign
In order to get started with Nintex eSign, it is important to know your user name and password. This information should have been provided to you through your admin or an account manager.
The following video provides information related to logging in to Nintex eSign.
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Navigate the UI
After logging into Nintex eSign, you may be wondering: Where do I go next?
In order to understand how to use Nintex eSign it is important to understand how to navigate the software.
The following video provides information related to the Home screen and basic navigation for Nintex eSign.
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Change Profile Settings
The My Profile section contains several preferences that can be configured on a per user basis. The options available depend on the level of permissions set for the account you are currently logged into.
The following video shows how to navigate the My Profile section of Nintex eSign.
Accessing My Profile
The My Profile section can be accessed through the hamburger menu in the top right corner of the screen. Alternatively by clicking the Profile icon, you can access the My Profile section from anywhere from within Nintex eSign.
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Create a template
After becoming familiar with the Basic Navigation of Nintex eSign, you can begin to send out documents for esignature. But how do you get started with that? Nintex eSign uses Jotblocks to create sender inputs, which then get added to document envelopes that get sent out to one or more people for esignature.
Nintex eSign uses Simple Setup for templates and envelopes to help users quickly create and send the documents they need for esignature. However, in order to get a better understanding of how documents are created and sent out, it is important to understand what an envelope is and how to create a template.
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Create an envelope and send out a document
An envelope contains one or more documents that require a user to view or esign a document sent to them. When a document is routed for esignature it is sent through an envelope. This envelope contains all of the documents and user information needed to complete the esign process.
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View document and envelope reports
Reports can be run on the status of documents, which show various statistics related to them. These reports can also be used to search for and locate a document that has already run, or even a template that has been created by another user.
Available Reports
Classic Template Usage - Displays classic template usage totals for a specified date range.
Completed Documents - Displays a list of documents marked as completed based on the search criteria.
Daily Envelope and Document Totals - Displays the daily total for envelopes for a specified date range.
Document Search - Displays a list of documents based on the search criteria.
Envelope Search - Displays a list of document envelopes for a specified date range.
Envelope Statistics - Displays a list of document envelope information for a specified date range.
Document Statistics - Display a list of document information for a specified date range.
Sub Account Document and Envelope Totals - Displays sub account daily document or envelope totals for a date range.
The following video contains information on the Reporting feature of Nintex eSign.
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Sign a document
Once a document has been reviewed, and sent out for esignature the people who were assigned as signers receive an email to their device with instructions on how to sign the document.
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Integration with Nintex DocGen
For users that have Nintex DocGen, you can easily integrate with Nintex DocGen to route generated documents for eSignature. These documents can then be tracked and their status viewed in Nintex eSign.
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Third-party Integrations
Nintex eSign also integrates with several other third-party software. These integrations allow you to pull data and add them to your envelopes for targeted customer signing, or just to include relevant customer data in a document.
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