
The Users screen of the My Profile section displays two tabs that allows Account Managers to manage certain users in the system. The two tabs on this screen are Locked Users and API Users. This topic of the User Guide provides an overview of each tab, and also provides instructions on how to add and manage API Users.

Locked Users

The Locked Users tab displays a list of users who have been locked out of the system. There are few reasons for why a user can be locked out of the system:

  • Too many attempts at entering in the password.

  • Failed to change password before the expiration window.

The above settings are configured in the Security tab of the Settings (My Profile) screen.

There are two options available to you to unlock the user:

  • Reset a user and have the user change their password

  • Unlock the user and allow them to log in using their current password


API Users

API Users are managed in your account settings on You must be an administrator for all your Nintex AssureSign environments in order to create and edit these settings.