
The dashboard is the landing page that is displayed when you click on My Nintex. It provides a summary of the user’s most recent interactions. It displays the following information that is most important to the user in separate sections:

  • Active tasks: The ten most recent active tasks assigned to you.

  • Latest form submissions: The five most recent forms submitted by you.

  • Favorite forms: Forms you have marked as favorite for quick access. A maximum of ten is displayed.

  • Draft forms: A list of Draft forms that you have saved recently. Forms that you have saved but not yet submitted are draft forms. Draft forms that are not submitted will be deleted 30 days from when it is first saved.

You can open the Activity feed for forms and tasks via the dashboard and also access Tasks, Forms, and Submitted forms pages using the side navigation menu.

Activity feed


Submit a form

Form submissions

Access the Dashboard

Do one of the following to open the Dashboard page:

  • On the top navigation bar, click My Nintex. The Dashboard is displayed. You can click on any of the items to view more details.

  • If you are on any other page available under My Nintex, click Dashboard on the left menu to open the Dashboard.

Activity feed

The activity feed can be opened for a task or form. The activity feed displays details of the task or form you click on.

View the activity feed for a task

Open a task from the Dashboard to view the details of the task displayed on the activity feed. The task and the activity feed for the selected task are shown side by side as shown in the image below. The activity is displayed on the right and the task on the left.

The activity feed shows the following details of the task in separate sections:

  • Active task details: This section displays the status of the task, the name of the user the task is assigned to and the time the task is initiated, and a Link to view the active task.

    • The link to view the active task is enabled only for participants that the task is assigned to and for other users depending on the settings set through My Nintex settings for the workflow. See, My Nintex settings.

    • If the task has multiple assignees then a drop-down to view the other assignees is displayed. Click View other assignees.

  • Form submission details or start details: This section shows the start details of the task. and depends on what the start event is.

    • Form submission details: If the task is started by a form, form submission details which includes the user that submitted the form and a link to view the form is displayed.

    • Start details:

  • Task history:

    Note: The task history is available depending on the settings selected for View all task outcome summary card in My Nintex settings.

To view the activity feed for the task

  1. Open the Dashboard page.
  2. In the Active tasks section, find the task that you want to view the details of and click on it. The task and the activity feed for the task is displayed.

View the activity feed for a form

Open a form from the Dashboard to view the details of the form displayed on the activity feed. The start form and the activity feed for the selected form are shown side by side as shown in the image below. The activity is displayed on the right and the start form on the left.

The activity feed shows the following details of the form:

  • The status of the form.

  • The name of the user that submitted the form.

  • Link to hide the submitted form that is shown on the left pane.

  • Pending tasks associated to the form. For active tasks , this section shows a link a view the active task

  • Task history.

You can open a submitted, favorite, or draft form from the dashboard to view details of the form.

  1. Open the Dashboard page. The favorite, draft and recently submitted forms are displayed in separate sections.
  2. In the Recent form submissions section, find the form that you want to view the details of and click on it.

Resubmit a form

You can resubmit a submitted form from My Nintex. This can be from anywhere in My Nintex that gives access to the original form submission, such as:

The form is resubmitted with the same data. Only Forms with Completed, Failed, or Terminated status can be resubmitted. If a form has been submitted more than once you can resubmit only the latest submission of the form.

After the form is resubmitted the activity feed shows details of the original submitter as well as the user that resubmitted the form.

For more information about resubmitting workflows, see Resubmit workflows.

  1. On the top navigation bar, My Nintex. The Dashboard is displayed.

  2. In the Latest form submissions section, click a form to open the activity feed.

    Note: Only Forms with Completed, Failed, or Terminated status can be resubmitted.

  3. Click Show form to open the submitted form.

  4. Click Resubmit form.

    Note: The Resubmit form option is enabled only on the latest submission of a form.

The form is resubmitted with the same data. After it's resubmitted, the activity feed shows details of the original submitter as well as the user that resubmitted the form.

Dashboard page columns

Section Columns Column description
Active tasks Task The name specified for the task in the workflow configuration.
  Workflow The name of the workflow that initiates the task.
  Task assigned The date and time the task is initiated.
Latest form submissions Form The name of the form.
  Status The status of the form.
  Workflow The name of the workflow the form is associated with.
  Submitted The date and time the form is submitted.
Favorite forms (n/a) The list of forms marked as favorite. You can mark any important forms as favorite to make it easier to find.

A maximum of ten is displayed.

Draft forms (n/a) Forms that you have saved but not yet submitted are draft forms. Draft forms that are not submitted will be deleted 30 days from when it is first saved.