What's New in K2 Cloud Update 12
This topic describes new features, improvements, behavioral changes and known issues for Update 12 released in June 2020.

- Integration
- JavaScript Service Provider: The JavaScript Service Provider (JSSP) allows you to generate new service types for K2 Platform that appear alongside native service types already available in K2 Cloud environments. For example, K2 provides a service type that allows you to expose an Azure SQL database as SmartObjects. If you want to integrate with another technology that K2 does not provide an out-of-the-box connector for, you could use one of the generic service types (such as the REST Service Type) to integrate with the API exposed by the target system, or you could use JavaScript to write your own custom service type to integrate with the target system's API.
- Identity Providers: K2 Cloud includes a new framework to support multiple Identity Providers, based on SCIM and OpenId.
- Microsoft Teams: The Microsoft Teams broker allows you to create, update, list, and read objects in Microsoft Teams, including: Teams, Channels, Tabs, and Apps. This broker is available from GitHub with instructions for creating your own Microsoft Teams app with the proper permissions in your Azure tenant. Once installed and configured you can create SmartObjects which can be used in views, forms, and workflows.
- the Designer
- K2 About Dialog: Use the About Dialog page to determine the current version of K2 in your environment. You can also view and copy a list of previously installed versions and fix packs, and download the list as a CSV file.

- Workflow
- SmartObject and SmartObject property validation: Design-time validation messages now appear to indicate missing or deleted SmartObject and SmartObject properties. Also highlight missing or incorrect configuration on the step.
- Task instruction: You can add up to 4000 characters in the Instruction field when you configure the Task tab on the Task step.
- Start when any Workflow Errors start event: Use this start event to start a workflow when any workflow in your K2 environment goes into an error state. You can use a simple global "catch all" error handling workflow that sends an email when any workflow goes into an error state. Or, for more specific error handling, use a Conditional Start Rule to only start when a particular workflow (meeting the condition criteria) goes into an error state. For an example on configuring a Conditional Start Rule on the Start when any Workflow Errors event, see the Example of an error handling workflow configured with a Conditional Start Rule section in this topic. For a how to example see How to: Use the Workflow Error Event.
- Reporting: Wait for System: Improved reporting capabilities on a workflow allows you to quickly see what took the longest on the Workflow Instance and where adjustments are required. The Activity Duration report now includes the duration of a sub-workflow and SmartObject Method (wait for external system) steps.
- Smartforms
- Table control: Several changes have been made to the table control, improving ease of use and styling. After upgrading you may notice that existing forms look different at runtime, especially forms that have been customized by using custom themes or custom styles. Refer to KB003514 - Updates required for custom CSS for steps on fixing your forms. Below are the enhancements made to the table control.
- Table column resize: You can now resize the table control in views and forms by setting the column width of a table by pixels.
- Table copy format to new row: This enhancement allows the first row of a table to be configured then use the insert-row button to get the rest of the table styled in the same format.

- The Cloud Storage features (Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive) and the Dynamics 365 for Sales feature are no longer available from the Features page in Management. If you previously enabled these features you can continue to manage the existing service instances via Management> Integration> Service types page.
- When logging out of K2 sites you will be prompted to select a user to log out even if you are the only person logged in. Previously, if there was only one person logged in, when logging out you would not see any messages.
- The K2 Cloud Developer Reference guide is now available as part of the user guide.
- K2 Cloud now uses Open ID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate and authorize users. With this change, the OAuth flow that used to be based on an Azure flow has changed. Basic authorizations continue to function as they did before, but if you were using OAuth, or need to use OAuth in a new application that uses these APIs, you’ll need to configure Postman and/or your code to use the new client IDs and redirect URIs. See the article KB003612: How to retrieve client IDs and Redirect URIs for use in OAuth against K2 APIs for details.

- Several changes have been made to the Table Control, improving ease of use and styling. After upgrading, you may notice that existing forms look different at runtime, especially forms that have been customized by using custom themes or custom styles. Refer to KB003514 - Updates required for custom CSS for steps on fixing your forms.
- If you are using K2 for SharePoint, you must re-run the K2 for SharePoint registration wizard after the update.
- Download the enhanced Package and Deployment tool from https://<runtimeurl>/Management/Remote. Once downloaded, log a ticket with Nintex Customer Central to provide your public IP address ranges to K2 Operations. This allows access to your K2 Cloud environment from your network. Please see the Package and Deployment Considerations topic for further considerations about working with the Package and Deployment tool.

- Issue:When inserting a new row/column, the previous row/column’s format applies to the new row/column. However, when adding a control to the cell, the padding differs to the column and no padding displays in rows.
Workaround: Finish the view or form, then edit the view/form for the correct padding to show. - Issue: When a workflow contains multi-steps with more than two Wait for external system options configured, duplicate bars display in the Activity Duration chart.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time. - Issue: After upgrading, the following error could occur when executing the Folder SmartObject ListContents method in the deprecated Cloud Storage brokers: Error Message: "Service returned a property in the resultset that is not on the ServiceObject: Service: 'CE- Box' ServiceObject: 'Folder' Property: 'com_k2_cloud_storage_ProviderLink'".
- Issue: When you create or generate a PDF file, the K2 smartforms controls on the output are stacked under each other instead of the designed layout. This happens when the generated PDF file is created from a URL or when you have forms and views which have been edited after upgrading to K2 Cloud Update 12.
Workaround: The PDF rendering engine is updated and released in K2 Cloud Update 14. Contact support if you need this Fix Pack.

- All bug fixes in K2 Cloud Update 11 Fix Packs 1-13.
- When using an IF inline function to assign multiple destinations for a Task event, the destinations are concatenated.

The following Fix Packs apply to this version of K2 Cloud. To determine the version and Fix Packs applied to your environment, please see the KB article KB003537: How to determine the installed K2 software version, Cumulative Updates, and Fix Packs for K2 Platform and K2 Cloud.
Fix Pack | Release Date | Details |
Fix Pack 20 | November 2020 |
Fix Pack 19 | November 2020 |
Fix Pack 18 | October 2020 |
Fix Pack 17 | October 2020 |
Fix Pack 16 | October 2020 |
Fix Pack 15 | October 2020 |
Fix Pack 14 | September 2020 |
Fix Pack 13 | September 2020 |
Fix Pack 12 | September 2020 |
Fix Pack 11 | September 2020 |
Fix Pack 10 | September 2020 |
Fix Pack 9 | August 2020 |
Fix Pack 8 | August 2020 |
Fix Pack 7 | August 2020 |
Fix Pack 6 | August 2020 |
Fix Pack 5 | July 2020 |
Fix Pack 4 | July 2020 |
Fix Pack 3 | July 2020 |
Fix Pack 2 | July 2020 |
Fix Pack 1 | July 2020 |
For a list of previous K2 Cloud Updates and Fix Packs see the What's New topic.