What's New in K2 Cloud Update 11

- Integration
- Custom Steps: Extend your environment by adding additional steps in the workflow designer. These custom steps can help speed development time in workflows, since you can now expose Service Object methods as steps in the workflow designer toolbox, allowing easier drag-and-drop configuration of workflow steps that interact with various technologies.

- Workflow
- Step tab validation: Design-time validation messages now appear on step tabs, to indicate missing or deleted references and variables, and highlight missing or incorrect configuration on the step.
- Edit previously deployed workflow: You can now load a previous version of a deployed workflow, edit it, and re-deploy it.
- Set email importance: You can now set the importance on an email by selecting a priority level. You can do this for the email on the Send Email step, and the Email Reminder on the Task step.
- SmartObjects
- UMUser : Added two methods, Get Roles for User and Get Roles for Groups, to the UMUser system SmartObject. Executing the new methods with the input properties returns a list of roles or groups the user belongs to.
- Integration
- SmartObject system mappings: You can now use current date and time, and current user details as system values in advanced SmartObjects.
- REST service type: Set query string spaces encoding using the Use legacy query string parameter encoding service key, either current encoding (+) or legacy encoding (%20).

- All bug fixes in K2 Cloud Update 10 Fix Packs 1-6.
- Where a SharePoint group contains another nested group along with individual users, only the individual users are returned when executing the Group (SmartObject) > Get Users For Group, or Group (SmartObject) > Get Users For Group ID methods.
- When generating artifacts from a SharePoint list, the workflow artifact is not created when the workflow title contains language-specific Unicode elements (for example, Élément).
- Where you have a list view containing a drop-down list control with paging enabled for the list and caching enabled for the control, the list view loads without data after clicking the 'Next' button followed by the 'Back' button.
- When you have a SharePoint list that does not contain the 'Item' content type, an error is thrown when configuring the associated workflow start rule based on the SharePoint list.
- When setting authentication cookies, the cookies are not flagged as secure.
- Where you have a SmartObject method step that uses reference fields from another SmartObject step as input properties, a deployment error occurs if you move the step (for example, moving the SmartObject step into a multiple-step).
- Recommended Azure indexes for performance improvements.

- There are no known issues at this time

If you are using K2 for SharePoint, re-run the K2 for SharePoint registration wizard after the update.
- Download the enhanced Package and Deployment tool from https://<runtimeurl>/Management/Remote. Once downloaded, log a ticket with Nintex Customer Central to provide your public IP address ranges to K2 Operations. This allows access to your K2 Cloud environment from your network. Please see the Package and Deployment Considerations topic for further considerations about working with the Package and Deployment tool.

The following Fix Packs apply to this version of K2 Cloud. To determine the version and Fix Packs applied to your K2 Cloud environment, please see the KB article KB003537: How to determine the installed K2 software version, Cumulative Updates, and Fix Packs for K2 Platform and K2 Cloud
Fix Pack | Release Date | Details |
Fix Pack 16 | July 2020 |
Fix Pack 15 | July 2020 |
Fix Pack 14 | June 2020 |
Fix Pack 13 | June 2020 |
Fix Pack 12 | May 2020 |
Fix Pack 11 | May 2020 |
Fix Pack 10 | April 2020 |
Fix Pack 9 | April 2020 |
Fix Pack 8 | April 2020 |
Fix Pack 7 | March 2020 |
Fix Pack 6 | March 2020 |
Fix Pack 5 | March 2020 |
Fix Pack 4 | February 2020 |
Fix Pack 3 | February 2020 |
Fix Pack 2 | February 2020 |
Fix Pack 1 | February 2020 |