Active Directory Event Wizard Navigation

Active Directory Event Wizard - Wizard Navigation

The Active Directory Event Wizard is available from the K2 Toolbox. To load an Active Directory event onto the canvas, click and drag the item onto the design canvas. The Active Directory Event Wizard will run a few moments after the event is loaded onto the canvas. To navigate to the specific wizard screen click on the relevant block on the diagram shown below to be directed to the relevant section.

AD Wizard - Navigation AD Wizard - Welcome AD Wizard - Event Selection AD Wizard - Create User - Details AD Wizard - Create User - Contact Details AD Wizard - Create User - Additional Details AD Wizard - Create User - Domain Browser AD Wizard - Update User - Specify User AD Wizard - Update User - Details AD Wizard - Disable User AD Wizard - Add a User to a Group AD Wizard - Remove a User from a Group AD Wizard - Remove a User from all Groups AD Wizard - Create Group - Details AD Wizard - Create Group - Group Management AD Wizard - Create Group - Domain AD Wizard - Update Group - Specify AD Wizard - Update Group - Details AD Wizard - Update Group - Group Managemet AD Wizard - Remove A Group AD Wizard - Add Members To A Group AD Wizard - Remove Members from a Group AD Wizard - Finished

Feature What it is
Welcome Introduces the Wizard and presents Advanced Mode option
Event Selection This screen presents the workflow creator with the choice of the Active Directory Event Wizard actions,as listed below.
Create User Allows the workflow creator to create a new user in Active Directory as part of the workflow process
Update User Allows the workflow creator to update an Active Directory user's details as part of the workflow process
Disable User Presents the workflow creator with the option to disable a particular user's Active Directory account
Add a User to a Group Allows the workflow creator to add a specific user to a an Active Directory group
Remove a User from a Group Allows the workflow creator to remove a specific user from an Active Directory group
Remove a User from all Groups Presents the workflow creator with the option to remove a specific user from all Active Directory groups
Create Group Allows the workflow creator to create an Active Directory group as part of the workflow process
Update Group Allows the workflow creator to update the details of an Active Directory group
Remove A Group Presents the workflow creator with the option to remove a particular group from Active Directory
Add Members To A Group Allows the workflow creator to add multiple users or groups (members) to an Active Directory group
Remove Members from a Group Allows the workflow creator to remove multiple users or groups (members) from an Active Directory group
Finished This completes the configuration of the Active Directory  Wizard Event

In simple mode the wizard populates the Domain and Organizational Unit fields with the server's default values during the Create User and Create Group events.

In advanced mode wizard allows the user to specify the Domain and the Organizational Unit during the Create User and Create Group events.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)