Active Directory Event Wizard - Event Selection

Active Directory Event Wizard - Event Name and Action

This screen allows the workflow creator to define the workflow name for this Active Directory Event  and select the action to be performed.


Fig. 1. Active Directory Event Wizard - Event Selection

Event What it is How to use it
Create User Allows the workflow creator to create a new user in Active Directory as part of the workflow process Select this event to start the configuration of a workflow event that will create a new user in Active Directory
Update User Allows the workflow creator to update an Active Directory user's details as part of the workflow process Select this event to update the associated details of an Active Directory user
Disable User Presents the workflow creator with the option to disable a particular user's Active Directory account Select this event to disable the account of an Active Directory user
Add a User to a Group Allows the workflow creator to add a specific user to a an Active Directory group Select this event to start the configuration of a workflow event that will add a user to an Active Directory group
Remove a User from a Group Allows the workflow creator to remove a specific user from an Active Directory group Select this event to remove a user from an Active Directory group
Remove a User from all Groups Presents the workflow creator with the option to remove a specific user from all Active Directory groups Select this event to remove a user from all the groups defined within the Active Directory configuration
Create Group Allows the workflow creator to create an Active Directory group as part of the workflow process Select this event to start the configuration of a workflow event that will create a new group within Active Directory
Update Group Allows the workflow creator to update the details of an Active Directory group Select this event to update the details of a group in Active Directory
Remove A Group Presents the workflow creator with the option to remove a particular group from Active Directory Select this event to remove a group from Active Directory
Add Members To A Group Allows the workflow creator to add multiple users (members) to an Active Directory group Select this event to add multiple users to an Active Directory group
Remove Members from a Group Allows the workflow creator to remove multiple users (members) from an Active Directory group Select this event to remove multiple users from an Active Directory group



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)