Step 7: Team B rejects and sends document to Team A

In this step, the final reviewer in Team B decides the document still needs more work, and they send it back to Team A to action. Because the Assign a task action is already set up for the reviewer in Team B, we just need the workflow to change state to the Team A reviewer again.


Set next state

  1. Click the Logic and Flow category in the action toolbox, select the Set next state action and drag it to the Rejected branch of the Assign a task action in Team B.
  2. Do one of the following to open the Action configuration window.

    • Double-click the action.
    • Click on the action and then click Configure.


Set the next state to Team A

  1. In the Action configuration window, open the Set next state drop-down and select Team A from the list.
  2. Click Save.

The workflow moves back to the Team A when the Team B reviewer rejects the task.

Follow along

This is what your workflow looks like at this point in the solution:

Next step:

Step 8: Team B gives final approval and sends email to initiator