K2 Workflow Designer - Design Canvas

This content applies to legacy design tools (such as K2 Studio, K2 for Visual Studio, or the Silverlight-based K2 workflow design tool). If you have upgraded from K2 blackpearl 4.7 to K2 Five, these tools may still be available in your environment. These legacy tools may not be available in new installations of K2 Five. These legacy tools may also not be available, supported, or behave as described, in future updates or versions of K2. Please see the legacy component support policy for more information about support for these components.

The design canvas is a drag and drop design and modelling area for your workflow. The canvas is a dynamic design arena where a number of the fundamentals are configured for an enhanced experience. All templates and wizards associated with the workflow are loaded here and joined by lines to complete the workflow before exporting the workflow to the K2 Server.

The design canvas opens with a Start step with a line to a placeholder. People, Templates and Wizards are dragged and dropped in the place holders to assemble the workflow.

Fig. 1. Design Canvas

Moving the mouse over the placeholder on the design canvas will display the step with new options.

Fig. 2. Step with an Originator added

Feature What it is
The Navigation Bar The navigation bar is available for performing various actions when building a workflow
Selecting the Start step icon will open the Workflow Settings screen where the Workflow properties can be edited
The Workflow Steps Outcome icon will open the Workflow Step Outcomes screen where the outcomes can be configured for the workflow
The Who  icon will open the Participants screen which is used to specify participants for this step. Participants can also be located by searching for participants to be added to the specific step
The Notes icon will open the Notes screen which allows for user determined notes to be added to the workflow

Right clicking on the user icon will display the following menus:

Fig. 3 Step Option Menu

Fig. 3 Step Option Menu

Feature What it is
Configure Workflow Step The Configure Workflow Step option allows the assigned and configured step to be edited
Escalations Workflow escalations are created by selecting the Escalation option located on the step options menu and is depicted by a clock icon
Configure Credentials Configures the security credentials that should be used during the specific step
Notes The Notes option allows notes to be added to a step that will display at runtime
Delete The Delete option deletes the configured step from the Workflow

Copying items in K2 Workflow Designer

To copy configured items on the Design Canvas perform the following steps:

  1. Hold the Ctrl key in on the keyboard and click on the required item.
  2. Drag the mouse to the unconfigured item.
  3. A context menu will be displayed as shown in the image below. Select the Copy option.

The same method can be used to delete items.  Perform the same steps and drag the mouse to any blank space on the Design Canvas