Workflow Server Management

K2 Management Console - Workflow Server

Expanding the Workflow Server node presents the following management areas:

Fig. 1. Workflow Server management nodes

Name Description
Server Rights Configures Admin, Export, and Impersonate Rights by User, Role, or Group
Processes Lists the Processes deployed on the selected Server, allowing the user to configure usage rights, start and stop Instances, select the default Version, and configure the String Table for each Process
Users Configures users process rights, server rights, and working hours
Worklist Presents a search function for Worklists, allowing the user to Redirect and/or Release active or open Worklist items
Error Profiles Configures Error logging options
String Table Configures the String Table on the Server level
Working Hours Configuration Allows administrators to create and configure Working Hour Zones
Archiving Allows administrators to archive or restore process sets



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)