Workflow Service Management - Worklist

Workflow Server - Worklist

Clicking on the Worklist Node loads the Worklist Search screen.

The Worklist Search screen allows the administrator to search for Worklists that correspond to the six filter options, as shown above.


Once the required Worklist has been returned by the search an administrator can Delegate the Worklist , Redirect the Worklist, or Release the Worklist.


Fig. 1. Worklist Search Results

Clicking the Worklists option presents the user with Process Full Name, Activity Name, Event Name, Destination, or Folio quick search options.

Option What it is
Selected Selects the Process to Release or Redirect
Process Full Name The name of the Process
Activity Name The name of the Process Activity
Event Name The name of the Process Event
Folio The name of the Process Folio
Destination The Destination associated with the Process
Worklist Date The Date that the Process was started
Status The current status of the Process - i.e. available
Allows an administrator to configure Worklist Access Rights
See Delegate Worklist
Directs the selected item to another Destination User
See Redirect Worklist Item
Releases the Open worklist item from the specified Destination User
See Release Worklist Item



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