Workflow Server - Worklist: Delegate Worklist Item

Worklist - Delegate Worklist Item

Clicking on the Delegate button loads the Search for Users, Groups or Roles screen. Perform a search for the required User/Group, click on the Selected option, then click Next to continue.

Option What it is How to use it
Search Text Box Allows the user to input the search text string Enter the name or text string to be searched for
Security Label Provides a drop down selection of the security Click on the drop down and select the security label to use in the search
Domain Provides a drop down selection of the security domain Click on the drop down and select the domain to use in the search
Name Lists Users/Groups returned by the search options Read the list to confirm that the selected user has been added
Selected Allows an administrator to select the User/Group Click on the associated check box
Performs a search using the configured search options and the entered text Click Search
Clicking Next will load the Activities Rights dialogue, allowing an administrator to set View, Execute, and Update permissions on each Activity Action.

Option What it is How to use it
Action Name Presents the name of the Action User Reference
View Allows the associated User/Group to view the Activity or Client Event Click on the check box
Allow Allows the associated User/Group to participate within the Activity or Client Event Click on the check box



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)