Step 1: Create the list and columns in SharePoint

In this solution we will build a list workflow that will start automatically when a new leave request item is added to the list.

The first step is to create the list and the columns that are used by the workflow and form we will create as part of this solution.


Create the list

  1. Log in to your SharePoint site and from the top menu click Settings and then select Site contents.
  2. Click + New, and select List from the menu displayed. Create a list window is displayed.
  3. Enter Leave Request as the name of the list and click Create.
  4. The Leave Request list we will use to build the list workflow is created and displayed.



Create the columns

  1. On the Leave Request list page, click + Add column and select Choice from the menu that opens.
  2. Note: Choice is the type of the first column we are creating to use in the workflow.

    Important: The underscores in the Column names can cause errors in your Document Generation action, therefore using underscores must be avoided when naming columns.  

    The Create column panel is displayed to enter details about the column.

  3. In the Create a column panel, enter the following:
    1. Type Leave type in the Name field.
    2. Enter the following text in the Choices field in separate lines:
      • Annual leave

      • Sick leave

      • Leave without pay

      You can leave the other fields blank or with the default value as they are not mandatory fields.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Follow steps 1-3 to create the following columns:
Column name Column type
Start date Date and time
End date Date and time
Description Multiple lines of text

Follow along

This is what your list looks like after you add the columns:

Next step:

Step 2: Design, configure, and publish the Leave Request form