Introduction to Views

Creating a View is the second step when creating SmartForms. The View Designer is available when creating or editing a View. The View Designer wizard guides the user through the creation and maintenance of a View. The Wizard starts with a General screen which presents the user with the option to choose between an Item View and a List View. The rest of the wizard presents the same steps irrespective of which type of View is selected.
A View graphically represents the internal structure and or the data bound to the SmartObject. A View is bound to a primary SmartObject, but can interact with multiple SmartObjects by use of Rules and Conditions. A View can be unbound in the case of an Item View but is usually bound to a primary SmartObject. A Form is a container of one or more Views and the Views can be configured to inter-communicate, capture, amend and display the data bound to one or more SmartObject.
The following types of Views are available:

Views can be accessed in the following ways:

In addition, the ability to automatically generate Views using an existing SmartObject is also available from these locations. The Generate Options screen provides the ability to select the type of View to be generated and the Form specifics if a Form is to be generated.

It is important to note that a View needs to be checked out in order to make any changes to the View. As soon as the View is checked out, it is not available for editing by other users and needs to be checked back in for other users to see the changes made