Workflow settings
An administrator role is required. For information, see User roles.
Use the Workflow settings page to manage settings for your workflows. You can manage the versioning scheme for your workflows and select who can publish workflows in the tenant.
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Access the Workflow settings page
On the top navigation, click Settings.
On the left navigation, click Workflow settings.
Configure workflow regional settings
Configure the default timezone and locale format for the tenant. These regional settings will determine how Date and time variables are printed by workflows. This setting is a default setting and is applied to any workflow that is configured to use the tenant’s default settings. Regional settings for individual workflows can be configured within Change regional settings on the workflow designer toolbar.
By default, the timezone is set to Coordinated Universal Time and locale format is set to None.
Regional settings will impact workflow execution only. When DateTime variables are referenced in a text field of any non-connector action, the values are first converted to the selected timezone and/or locale before it is printed.
Values are automatically adjusted for the region's daylight saving time.
Change the regional settings for all workflows in the tenant
On the top navigation, click Settings.
On the left navigation, click Workflow settings.
In the Workflow regional settings section, click Edit.
Select the timezone you want from the Tenant default timezone drop-down list.
Select the locale format you want from the Tenant default locale format list.
Note: The Date and time column illustrates what the resulting format will be for the selected locale based on the current date and time.
Click Save.
The change is applied to all workflows in the tenant. You can change the setting for individual workflows within Change regional settings on the workflow designer toolbar.
Manage instance data
You can select an option that allows workflow designers and developers to delete and configure workflows to automatically delete instance data. By default, this option is off. Deleting instance data from workflows also deletes all of the start data, tasks, and files associated with the workflows.
Note: Administrators can delete instance data even if this option is toggled off.
If you have strict data security guidelines and policies, this feature allows you to remove data that is captured and stored throughout any workflow process. Instances that were terminated or failed will not be automatically deleted so that you can review and fix workflow issues first before manually deleting the instances. If a workflow is configured to automatically delete instance data, or if instance data is manually deleted, the form files will also be deleted regardless of the File upload storage configuration. Once instance data is deleted, it cannot be restored.
For more information, see Delete instances.
Change the instance data retention setting for all workflows in the tenant
On the top navigation, click Settings.
On the left navigation, click Workflow settings.
In the Instance data section, select the check box and click Save.
Manage workflow versions
You can manage the versioning scheme for workflows using the options in the Workflow versioning section. You can select one or both of the options to require users to provide comments before publishing or saving a workflow.
Change the workflow versioning settings for all workflows in the tenant
On the top navigation, click Settings.
On the left navigation, click Workflow settings.
In the Workflow versioning section, select the check box you want:
Require version comments when publishing a workflow: Select this check box if you want users to provide details about the specific version they want to publish.
Require version comments when saving a workflow: Select this check box if you want users to provide a comment about the specific version they want to save.
Note: This option is available only when you enable Require version comments when publishing a workflow.
Click Save.
For more information about the Workflow versioning options, see Workflow versioning fields.
Publish workflows
Users with an administrator role can select which users have the ability to publish production workflows in the tenant. By default all users have the ability to publish all workflows. By changing the setting you can allow users with publishing permission to always review production workflows before publishing them.
Global administrators and Automation administrators can always publish production workflows.
This only applies to production workflows. Development workflows can be published by all designers and developers.
Users who are not included in the selected roles or groups are not able to publish production workflows but they can submit requests to publish these workflows. For more information about publishing workflows, see Publish a workflow.
The default setting selected is Designer and Developer and all users with a Designer or Developer role are able to publish workflows in the tenant. If you want to restrict publishing permission to selected users, create a group with the required users, select the Groups setting, and add the created group.
When publishing a workflow if a user without publishing permission selects Production as the Assigned use, they must send a request to publish the workflow. When a request is submitted, the status of the workflow is updated to Publish requested in the Workflows page. An option to send the email notification is available only for Groups and when selected an email is sent to all the members of the selected groups.
Important: When a new group is added to the list, the members of the new group can only publish workflows for requests sent after the group was added to the Groups list. The members won't be able to publish workflows with requests sent before the group was added.
Change the workflow publishing settings for all workflows in the tenant
On the top navigation, click Settings.
On the left navigation, click Workflow settings.
In the Workflow publishing section, select one of the following:
Designer and Developer: Only users with a Designer or Developer role have permission to publish workflows in the tenant.
Groups: Only the members of the selected group or groups have permission to publish workflows in the tenant. For information about creating groups, see Create, edit, and manage user groups.
If you select Groups, select the groups you want from the drop-down list. The maximum number of groups you can select is 5.
(Optional) If you don't want to send an email when a request to publish is sent, clear the Send an email to everyone in these groups when a request to publish is submitted check box.
Note: This option is enabled only if you select Groups.
Click Save to save the settings or Cancel to reset to the default setting.
For more information about the settings, see Workflow publishing fields.

Option | Description |
Require version comments when publishing a workflow | When you publish a workflow, a dialog appears asking for details about the workflow, such as name and description. If you want to require users to provide details about the specific version they want to publish, select the Require version comments when publishing a workflow box. |
Require version comments when saving a workflow |
If selected, users are required to provide a comment about the specific version they want to save. Note: This option is available only when you enable Require version comments when publishing a workflow. |
Save | Saves your selections. |
Cancel | Discards any changes to the selection. |

Setting | Description |
Designer and Developer | When selected, only users with a Designer or Developer role have permission to publish workflows in the tenant. This setting is selected, by default. |
Groups |
When selected, only the members of the selected group or groups have permission to publish workflows in the tenant. If you want to restrict publishing permission to selected users, add the users you want to a group and select the group from the drop-down. The maximum number of groups you can select is 5. Important:
Groups drop-down |
The groups that will have permission to publish workflows. The drop-down shows all the groups already created in the tenant. If you want to create a new group, you must create the group first. For information about creating groups, see Create, edit, and manage user groups. When a publish request is submitted for a workflow, the groups with publishing permission are automatically added as owners of the workflow. |
Send an email to everyone in these groups when a request to publish is submitted. |
An email with details of the request is sent to the members of the selected groups when this check box is selected. This option is enabled only for the Groups setting. |
Cancel | Resets to the default settings. |
Save | Saves the changes you make. |