Terminology disambiguation
Nintex Automation Cloud has recently integrated Skuid NLX as "Nintex Apps." Some terms in both products have been renamed to ensure consistency across the newly combined product.
This page outlines those updated terms to aid in your understanding and avoid confusion as you navigate the new experience. For additional term explanations and definitions, see Glossary.
Nintex Automation Cloud terminology changes
Previous term | New term | Explanation of change |
Context variable | Workflow instance variable | This term change was implemented to aid in clarity and differentiation and avoid confusion with other terms. The workflow instance variable is in the Instance variable category. For more information, see Workflow instance variable. |
Data source | Data lookup |
Data lookup refers to looking up read-only data. This term change was implemented to aid in clarity and differentiation and avoid confusion with other terms. For more information, see Data lookups. |
Help content terminology changes
Note: Some terms listed here are only used in our online help and are not used in the product's user interface (for example, workflow start form). They are listed here for the purpose of disambiguation only.
Previous term | New term | Explanation of change |
Event | Workflow start event, connector event, app event A backend alert that is published—or "fired"—whenever something has occurred on a page. Action flows and JavaScript snippets often rely on specific events to know when to begin. | The addition of the event qualifier makes it more clear that the event occurs in a workflow, connector, or app. You may see these new terms used to avoid confusion with the different types of events. For more information, see Events. |
Form | Workflow start form, start form A form that starts a workflow., workflow task form, task form, app form | The addition of the form qualifier makes it more clear that the form is part of a workflow, task, or app. You may see these new terms used to avoid confusion with the different types of forms. For more information, see Forms . |
Skuid NLX (Nintex Apps) terminology changes
Previous term | New term | Explanation of change |
Data source | Connection | This term change brings the Nintex Apps term into alignment with Nintex Automation Cloud connections. For more information, see Authentication Providers and Connections . |
Data source action | Connector action | Connector actions interact with a third-party application. Core actions is a new term for previous Skuid NLX users; it is used for all other actions that perform a basic function and operate without connecting to an external system. This term change also brings the Nintex Apps term into alignment with Nintex Automation Cloud connector actions. For more information, see Authentication Providers and Connections . |
Data source object | Connection object | This term change more accurately describes the data containers that connectors use. It also brings the Nintex Apps term into alignment with Nintex Automation Cloud connector objects. For more information, see Connections . |
Data source type | Connector | This term change brings the Nintex Apps term into alignment with Nintex Automation Cloud connectors. For more information, see Authentication Providers and Connections . |
Help content terminology changes
Note: Some terms listed here are only used in our online help and are not used in the product's user interface (form example, Action Framework). They are listed here for the purpose of disambiguation only.
Previous term | New term | Explanation of change |
Action Framework | N/A | To avoid confusion, this term is not longer used. |
Action | App action App actions are commands that can interact with models, components, and page logic. These actions can be strung together in action flows. | The addition of the app qualifier makes it more clear that the action is part of Nintex Apps. You may see this new term used to avoid confusion with other types of actions, such as core actions or connector actions. |
Page | App page An app page is an arrangement of components, models, and other elements related to a particular set of tasks. | The addition of the app qualifier makes it more clear that the page is part an app. You may see this new term used to avoid confusion with other types of pages. For more information, see Pages . |