A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process.
A named set of workflow actions shown in the Actions toolbox of the workflow designer. Includes core, connector, and custom action groups. For example, the Operations action group contains core actions for operations while the Box action group contains actions for the Box connector.
A workflow action that interacts with a third-party application to perform a basic operation, such as adding a record or retrieving a file from Salesforce or Box.
A workflow action that performs a basic function, such as assigning a task or sending an email, typically without connecting to an external system.
A workflow action created by a developer using Nintex Xtensions.
A Nintex Workflow tenant administrator who has permissions to manage users and permissions of other roles.
An aggregate model applies aggregations and groupings to multiple records. Aggregations are functions (count, sum, etc.) executed on a specific field. Groupings cluster or split aggregations into separate rows within the model.
An application programming interface (API) is the way one interface or service talks to another, typically through specific endpoints or code libraries.
In the context of Microsoft Teams, an app can be a tab, connector, or bots.
App actions are commands that can interact with models, components, and page logic. These actions can be strung together in action flows.
A backend alert that is published—or "fired"—whenever something has occurred on a page. Action flows and JavaScript snippets often rely on specific events to know when to begin.
An app page is an arrangement of components, models, and other elements related to a particular set of tasks.
A specific URL where SAML assertions are sent to the application (such as Nintex Workflow) from the identity provider.
Used to capture specific data in your workflow and pass to Nintex Insights for analytic purposes.
Business owners are able to use Workflow tracking in My Nintex to view all workflows they are business owners of, and view all their workflow instances.
In the context of Microsoft Teams, a channel can be defined as a category-based collaboration space inside a team created for a specific purpose.
A variable containing multiple items, such as email addresses. Collection variables are useful for storing and operating on query results. For example, you can set up collection variables for names, email addresses, and index values to store results from querying a list. You can then loop through items in a particular collection variable (names, emails, or index values).
A workflow that can be started from outside the tenancy; the workflow uses the "Component workflow" start event.
Statements about variable values, that when true, run the workflow.
Credentials and other settings that enables workflows to communicate with external systems, services, or applications. It's required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.
A connection created by a developer through Nintex Xtensions.
A software component that allows seamless integration with third-party services, business applications, and content stores. Examples include Salesforce, Box, and Microsoft SharePoint. Connectors are used to create connections required for workflow actions and start events.
A workflow action that interacts with a third-party application to perform a basic operation, such as adding a record or retrieving a file from Salesforce or Box.
A set of instructions for Nintex Workflow to use third-party API functionality with Nintex workflows. A custom connector may include workflow actions, start events, forms, or file controls.
A service that allows seamless integration with third-party services, business applications, and content stores. Examples include Salesforce, Box, and Microsoft SharePoint. Connectors are used to create connections required for workflow actions and start events.
An app page that contains a separate page nested within it via a Page Include component.
Context conditions map the data selected in one component to data in an associated element (like a drawer, visualization drilldown, or on-click action), ensuring users only see data related to a particular record.
A form part corresponding to a user-input field (such as a text field) or display-only item (such as a heading).
The internal name for a particular form control. For example, two email form controls might be referenced as "RecipientEmail" and "CcEmail."
A workflow action that performs a basic function, such as assigning a task or sending an email, typically without connecting to an external system.
A workflow action created by a developer using Nintex Xtensions.
A connection created by a developer through Nintex Xtensions.
A set of instructions for Nintex Workflow to use third-party API functionality with Nintex workflows. A custom connector may include workflow actions, start events, forms, or file controls.
Centralized locations used to house servers used by Nintex for remote storage, processing, or distribution of data. Nintex has a number of regional data centers available for Nintex Workflow Cloud. For information about where your data center is located, contact you Nintex account manager.
A form control that allow users to select from a drop-down list that has values sourced from a third-party service.
The default value given to the workflow variable when the variable is used within the workflow.
A Nintex Workflow user with permissions to create and manage workflows plus permissions of the Participant role.
A Nintex Workflow user with permissions to create and manage custom connectors plus permissions of the Designer role.
Users who have successfully verified their domain ownership using the verification code from Nintex Workflow.
A globally unique identifier of an entity, which in our case is the Nintex Workflow tenant to be configured with SAML.
Occurrence in a connected service that triggers a workflow to start.
A workflow that can be started from outside the tenancy; the workflow uses the "Component workflow" start event.
User credentials belonging to a federated domain are authenticated by the identity provider (such as Okta or Azure Active Directory Administration), and not by the application or service provider (such as Nintex Workflow).
Federated identity is a method of linking a user's identity across multiple separate identity management systems. It allows users to quickly move between systems while maintaining security
A variable representing a single file.
Filters use model conditions to limit data based on field values, helping users narrow down runtime data to what's relevant for them..
A form part corresponding to a user-input field (such as a text field) or display-only item (such as a heading).
Merge variables that are available in any context; they always begin with a $. For example: {{$Param.accountId}}, {{$Api.Session_Id}}
An identity provider (IdP) stores and authenticates the identities of users to log in to system, files, or applications.
A page that is included within a separate page by being referenced in a Page Include component.
An occurrence of a workflow.
The template syntax—i.e., curly brackets—used to access information within app—whether for UI strings or data manipulation.
A piece of data "merged" into another location through the use of merge syntax. These variables may be context-dependent (like {{Name}}) or globally available (like {{$}}.
Model actions are sets of actions triggered by specific events on a particular model. An "event" can also be the result of a field value or model property meeting a predetermined value or range of values in a model action's configuration.
Model conditions determine which data is available in a model by limiting the records to query. They do so by checking the field values against the values specified in the condition.
An internal application used by Nintex Workflow to make API calls to connect to Microsoft Teams. No need for user configuration.
Nintex service that facilities single-sign on capabilities across the Nintex platform, allowing users have one username and password to access multiple Nintex products.
A permalink to a Nintex Process Manager process or document that allows anonymous users to access processes, documents or process groups.
A variable that groups several related variables of multiple variable types into a hierarchical structure. Objects can contain other Objects.
Models access objects (data containers with records and fields) to provide data to app page components. "Object" is a generic term used in Nintex Apps. In other products they may be "objects," "entities," or "tables."
An authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 family of specifications.
Operators illustrate the relationship between two values—whether they are equal, whether one is greater or lesser than the other, etc.
The drag-and-drop workspace where builders create app pages.
An arbitrary variable that allows for additional information to be passed into a page—typically through a URL parameter.
In Nintex Workflow, for a workflow instance a participant can be either the user who submitted the form or responded to a task. A participant has permissions to submit forms and close task forms via Nintex Mobile and My Nintex in Nintex Workflow.
Periodic checkin method to pass information about an event between Nintex Workflow and the indicated service. The current interval is five minutes. For example, the start event Salesforce - Update record (for account) checks Salesforce for account updates every five minutes. Only the most recent update at the time of polling is captured. NOTE: API usage may be limited by the connector service and current account type. Contact the service to determine API usage limitations.
The first domain added to an organization is the primary domain. To become an owner of a primary domain, you must verify the domain.
A particular portion in a workflow containing actions with a specific purpose to send data to Nintex Insights. A process stage is always identified by a start (Nintex Insights - Beginning beacon action) and an end (Nintex Insights - Ending beacon) point.
Periodic checkin method to pass information about an event between Nintex Workflow and the indicated service. The current interval is five minutes. For example, the start event Salesforce - Update record (for account) checks Salesforce for account updates every five minutes. Only the most recent update at the time of polling is captured. NOTE: API usage may be limited by the connector service and current account type. Contact the service to determine API usage limitations.
Automatic notification method to pass information about an event between Nintex Workflow and the indicated service. For example, the start event Box - New file automatically notifies Nintex Workflow of any new file.
The unique identifier in the third-party application. It varies depending on the connector.
A sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually this pattern is used for "find" or "find and replace" operations on text, or for input validation.
Runtime refers to when users are actually working in an app page, instead of constructing them in the Page Designer.
Customer relationship product. Provides companies with an interface for case management and task management, and a system for automatically routing and escalating important events.
An industry standard for exchanging authentication data between an identity provider and an application or service provider (that's Nintex Workflow)
XML documents that contain the user authorization.
An XML document that contains information about a SAML deployment.
A collection that does not contain objects.
Enables users to access multiple applications using one set of credentials.
A configured action or action set that you can reuse in your workflows.
An event that triggers a workflow to run when it occurs. An example is Box - New file, which triggers the workflow to run when a new file is uploaded to the specified folder.
A variable associated with the start event. Often referenced by actions in the workflow. For example, a start event variable might capture input in a form field.
A form that starts a workflow.
In the context of Microsoft Teams, a tab is used to easily access and manage data such as file, dashboard, or URL.
Recipient of a task.
In the context of Microsoft Teams, a team is a collection of people, content, and tools that work together for a specific goal. A team is made up of channels.
Domains that do not have any owners or are not verified through the domain verification process.
Variable to store data for referencing in other actions within the workflow. For example, you can store URLs or other reusable values (use the action Create a text string to concatenate variables and text). Variables are available in several data types, such as number, string, and text.
A placeholder that stores changes each time the workflow runs, such as the information entered in a form, or the name of a file. You can also create variables to store information you use in a workflow, such as an email address.
Variable available by default for inserting contextual information about the workflow, such as the workflow name or current date, into action configuration fields.
A variable representing a single file.
A variable associated with the start event. Often referenced by actions in the workflow. For example, a start event variable might capture input in a form field.
Variable to store data for referencing in other actions within the workflow. For example, you can store URLs or other reusable values (use the action Create a text string to concatenate variables and text). Variables are available in several data types, such as number, string, and text.
Domains that have owners and are verified through the domain verification process.
Automatic notification method to pass information about an event between Nintex Workflow and the indicated service. For example, the start event Box - New file automatically notifies Nintex Workflow of any new file.
A method of streamlining manual and paper-based processes often comprised of unstructured tasks involving people, processes, and content.
Variable to store a value or file when the workflow starts. Set up as a start event variable.
Variable available by default for inserting contextual information about the workflow, such as the workflow name or current date, into action configuration fields.
Variable to store a value or file on completion of the workflow. Set up as a user-defined variable.
Workflow owners can assign workflow permissions, modify the workflow and view instances and tasks for that workflow.
Endpoint for calling a workflow.
A workflow that can be started from outside the tenancy; the workflow uses the "Component workflow" start event.
An extensibility framework for Nintex Workflow, which allows you to create custom connectors to third-party platforms in your workflows.