
  An administrator role is required. For information, see User roles.

The Events page displays event names, record IDs, connectors A software component that allows seamless integration with third-party services, business applications, and content stores. Examples include Salesforce, Box, and Microsoft SharePoint. Connectors are used to create connections required for workflow actions and start events., connections Credentials and other settings that enables workflows to communicate with external systems, services, or applications. It's required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store., and the time events were received for workflows A method of streamlining manual and paper-based processes often comprised of unstructured tasks involving people, processes, and content.. On the Events page, you can:

This information can help you understand what occurred when an event was received by Nintex Workflow. If a workflow does not start, you can view if the event was received by Nintex Workflow and if a workflow was initiated. You can determine why a workflow didn't start, why only part of the changes in a workflow started, if the workflow had a wrong path or condition, why a workflow took a long time to start, and why multiple workflow instances started. You can view event payloads for configured workflows and troubleshoot and diagnose start event configuration issues.

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Access the Events page

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Automate.

  2. On the left, click Events.

Find events

Automation administrators and global administrators can find and view events. Events are retained and available for 14 days.

  1. Select when the event was Received:

    • Select a Preset filter date range in the past 1 hour, in the past 12 hours, or in the past 24 hours.

    • Select a Custom filter date range with a start and end date and time.

  2. Select the event Status:

    • All

    • Error

    • No Error

  3. (Optional) Click Filter to further refine your event search.

    1. Select a filter for the Time Received.

    2. Select a filter for the Status.

    3. (Optional) Click Add filter and select additional filter types and parameters. This feature is helpful if your organization has a very large number of events. You can click the trash can icon to delete any filters that you add. You can modify or delete additional filters on the Events page.

    4. Click Apply filter.

View event information

You can view an event's record ID; view and copy the event ID; view the payload, failed start error or success message, and workflow status and details; and access workflow instances.

  1. Click an Event name.

  2. Click View payload. The payload includes start variables, site content, types, and JSON-formatted data that the event pipeline processed. If the current event state could not retrieve the payload or if it contains an empty payload, the previous payload is displayed. To close the payload data, click Hide payload.

  3. Expand the Workflow section and view event messages. For more information, see Understand event messages.

  4. Click View instance to view instance information for a successfully started workflow. For more information on instances, see Instances.

Understand event messages

Based on the outcome of events, you may see the following messages that can help you troubleshoot issues.

Message Event outcome
Condition successfully evaluated. The event's condition was successfully evaluated.
Event subscription not found. The event had an orphaned notification or subscription record in the Event Manager service.
Event process failed due to an invalid callback URL. The event has an invalid delivery downstream URL. The Nintex Workflow downstream service has rejected the request or the URL is malformed or incorrect.

Event process stopped due to empty event data.

The event notification payload has no values specified.
Event process failed while retrieving event data for polling. The polling request has resulted in an error or returned a non-success status code.
Event process stopped due to empty event data for polling. The event payload returned by polling no values specified, usually because no changes were found.
Event process stopped due to a new occurrence of polling. The event processing has been running for an extended period of time such that it has now overlapped with a new polling interval instance and had to be stopped.
Event process stopped due to empty event data from the post processor. The event payload returned by the post processor has no values specified, usually because no changes were found.
An error occurred while processing the event. An unexpected error occurred while processing the event.
Unable to process the event after the maximum number of retry attempts. An event encountered a retry or transient error state, but could not be resolved after the allocated amount of retries were exhausted.
Unable to complete the event delivery request after the maximum number of retry attempts. An event delivery request encountered a retry or transient error state, but could not be delivered after the allocated amount of retries were exhausted.
Event ready for delivery. An event has been received and processed, but is waiting to initiate a workflow. This could be an indication that the tenant is experiencing rate limit issues. For more information, see Limits.
Event delivered. The event has been submitted to initiate a workflow; however, a workflow instance hasn't been created. The workflow instance could be locked and a new instance might not be able to be created. This could be a transitional state and a workflow instance may be started later.
Event delivery paused. An event has been received and processed, but delivery of the event has been paused by Nintex because the engine encountered issues or service performance is being resolved or avoided.