Nintex eSign - Get a signed document
Use the Nintex eSign - Get a signed document action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. to retrieve a signed document.
For more information about the Nintex eSign connector, go to Nintex eSign.
Before you begin:
Understand Variables
Learn about Handling files in your workflow
Learn how to add signers to documents using drawn and typed signatures
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Configure the Nintex eSign - Get a signed document action
Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.
- Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
- Select the Account.
- Select the Template.
- Select the Document.
- Specify the Envelope ID.
- Create or select a variable for the output.
Nintex eSign - Get a signed document action fields and settings
Section |
Field |
Description |
Variable types |
(Unlabeled) |
The Nintex eSign connection to use to retrieve the signed document. To refresh the available connections, click |
(n/a) |
Account |
The Nintex eSign account to send the documents from. |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection | |
Template |
The Nintex eSign template used when the documents were signed. |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection | |
Document |
The name of the document that has been signed. If you used a variable for the document name in the originating Nintex eSign - Get a signature action input, use that same variable here. |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection | |
Envelope ID |
The unique identifier of the Nintex eSign envelope that contains the signed document. ![]()
You can use the Envelope ID property output of a Nintex eSign - Get a signature action.
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection | |
Download password |
The password associated with the document. |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection | |
Output | Document |
Stores the result of the action as a File variable. Note: Your tenancy's default file storage location must be configured to hold files for later reference. This location is used for uploaded files and for files stored as output from actions. |
File |
If you receive an error message listed below, it may be because of one of the reasons noted. Review the action's configuration settings to resolve the errors.
Error Message |
Cause |
The signed document download request failed. | The envelope has been deleted. |
There was an error processing the signed document download request. | The download password is incorrect. |
The envelope ID is invalid. | |
The document is missing due to an incorrect template or document that was configured. | |
The envelope is still in progress or has not been completed. | |
The envelope was canceled. | |
The user entered an envelope ID that does not match the template used when the documents were signed. | |
The user is using a variable for the Document field, and the variable’s value contains an invalid document name. |