Microsoft Exchange Online - Delete a calendar item

Use the Microsoft Exchange Online - Delete a calendar item action to delete an existing calendar item in Microsoft 365.

For more information about the Microsoft Exchange Online connector, go to Microsoft Exchange Online.

Configure the Microsoft Exchange Online - Delete a calendar item action

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  2. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
  1. Type an Calendar item ID for the calendar item.

Microsoft Exchange Online - Delete a calendar item

Field Description Variable types
Connection Credentials and other settings that enables workflows to communicate with external systems, services, or applications. It's required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

Microsoft Exchange Online connection for the calendar item you want to delete.

To refresh the available connections, click Refresh.

Calendar item ID

The ID of the calendar item you want to delete.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection