Microsoft Exchange Online - Get a calendar item

Use the Microsoft Exchange Online - Get a calendar item action to return the details of an existing calendar item in Microsoft 365.

For more information about the Microsoft Exchange Online connector, go to Microsoft Exchange Online.

Configure the Microsoft Exchange Online - Get a calendar item action

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  2. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
  1. Type an Calendar item ID for the calendar item.

Microsoft Exchange Online - Get a calendar item

Important: Before inserting variables in the action configuration, you must manually type or select the values and populate other dependent fields in order to retrieve the output data. Once configured, you can insert variables to the required fields.

Section Field Description Variable types
(unlabeled) Connection Credentials and other settings that enables workflows to communicate with external systems, services, or applications. It's required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

Microsoft Exchange Online connection for the calendar item you want to retrieve.

To refresh the available connections, click Refresh.

  Calendar Item ID

The ID of the calendar item you want to retrieve.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection

Calendar item

Object variable to store the output from the action:

  • ID: Text variable to store the calendar item ID.
  • Title: Text variable to store the title for the calendar item.
  • Start time: Object variable to store the time that the calendar item will start.
    • Time: DateTime variable to store the start time of the calendar item.
    • Time zone: Text.
  • End time: Object variable to store the time that the calendar item will end.
    • Time: DateTime variable to store the end time of the calendar item.
    • Time zone: Text.
  • All day event: Boolean variable indicating if the calendar item is an all day event.
  • Let attendees propose a new time: Boolean variable indicating if attendees can propose a new time for the calendar item.
  • Show as: Text variable indicating what status to show the attendees as during the calendar item.
  • Reminder enabled: Boolean variable indicating if a reminder is to be sent.
  • Reminder minutes before start: Integer variable storing the time in minutes for a reminder to be sent.
  • Attendees: Collection variable storing attendee details.
    • Attendee: Object variable storing the names and emails of the attendees.
      • Name: Text variable storing the attendee name.
      • Address: Text variable storing the attendee email address.
  • Response requested: Boolean variable indicating if the calendar item creator expected a response from the attendees.
  • Location: Object variable storing the location of the calendar item.
    • Name: Text variable storing the easy to read display name of the location.
  • Importance: Text variable storing the importance setting of the calendar item. Can be set to low, normal, or high.
  • Categories: Collection variable storing the categories for this calendar item
  • Sensitivity: Text variable storing the sensitivity setting of the calendar item. Can be set to personal, private, or confidential.
  • Recurrence: Text variable storing the recurrence setting of the calendar item.
  • Has attachments: Boolean variable indicating if the calendar item has attachments.
  • Body: Object variable storing the content type and message content of the calendar item.
    • Message body format: Text variable storing whether the content is in HTML or text format.
    • Message body: Text variable storing the message of the calendar item.
  • Canceled: Boolean variable indicating if the calendar item is canceled.
  • Online meeting: Boolean variable indicating if the calendar item is for an inline meeting.
  • Meeting URL: Text variable storing the URL of the calendar item if it is an online meeting.
  • Online meeting provider: Text variable storing the meeting platform.
  • Response status: Object variable storing details of responses to the calendar item.
    • Response: Text variable storing the attendees responses. Example: tentativelyAccepted.
    • Time: Text variable storing the time of the attendee response.
  • Is organizer: Boolean variable indicating if the update was made by the calendar item organizer.
  • Organizer: Object variable storing details of the calendar item organizer.
    • Details: Object variable storing the name and email of the organizer.
      • Name: Text variable storing the attendee name.
      • Address: Text variable storing the attendee email address.
  • Created date: DateTime variable storing the date and time that the calendar item was created.
  • Last modified date: DateTime variable storing the date and time that the calendar item was last updated.
