File Commands

Refer to the table below for a detailed overview of each command and its respective functionalities:

Command Description

Copy a File

Copy a file from its current location to a destination of your choice.

Create a Text File

Create a new text file and place its file path in a new or existing variable.

Delete a File

Delete a single existing file.

Delete File(s)

Delete one or more existing files from a specified folder, with the option to include sub-folders.

Does File Exist

Check to see if a file exists and place the result of the check (TRUE/FALSE) into a variable.

Monitor File Changes

Monitor one or more files in a designated folder for specific events.

Move a File

Move a file from its current location to a destination of your choice.

Read From Text File

Read the contents of a text file into a new or exiting variable.

Rename a File

Rename an existing file.

Write to Text File

Write the contents of a variable into a new or existing text file.