Contact Management Application
In this intermediate-level tutorial, you will learn how to build a simple contacts management application using K2 Designer. This application is essentially an address book: you can list contacts, and add, edit and delete contacts. In addition to basic contact details (name, email, etc.), you can also add a contact photo and multiple notes and file attachments to a contact.
During this tutorial, you will learn how to build SmartObjects, how to create list views and item views, and how to combine views into a form. You will also learn how to work with header-detail (sometimes called parent-child) data and how to configure rules to correctly handle relationships between records in a header-detail relationship. There is no workflow component in this application; it is essentially an application to capture and display data.
If you want to learn a little more about the application you are about to build and how it will behave, review the design of the application in the topic Contact Management: Application Design.
1. Add the Application Categories2. Create the Contact SmartObject
3. Create the Contact Notes and Attachments SmartObject
4. Create the Contact Item View
5. Create the Contact List View
6. Create the Contact Notes and Attachments List View
7. Create the Contact List Form
8. Add a Tabbed Form to Create a New Contact
9. Create the Contact Details Form
10. Add Rules to the Contact Details Form Buttons
11. Edit the Contact List Form
12. Test the Contact Management Application
13. (Optional) Clean up your K2 environment by deleting the application artifacts