3. Create the Contact Notes and Attachments SmartObject

In this step you will create the Contact Notes and Attachments SmartObject. This SmartObject stores the "details" content for a contact. Each contact may have several notes and attachments records associated with its header. Header and details records are bound together by a common property, which you will set in a later step.

  1. Add the data source that stores the details records for the Contact Management application. Create a SmartBox SmartObject called Contact Notes and Attachments SmartObject. Once gain, UNCHECK the Allow this SmartObject to be used in the Legacy Workflow Designer option. Add the properties shown in the table below.
    Depending on your K2 installation configuration, you may or may not see the Allow this SmartObject to be used in Legacy Workflow Designer option. If you do not see this setting, it is OK to continue to the next step.
    NameData Type
    1. In K2 Designer, create a new SmartBox SmartObject that stores the details records. Right-click the SmartObjects category and select New SmartObject.
    2. Name the SmartObject
      Contact Notes and Attachments SmartObject
      then select the SmartBox option. Make sure the Allow this SmartObject to be used in the Legacy Workflow Designer option is UNCHECKED. (Since you will not build a workflow in this application, this option is unnecessary.) Click CREATE.
      Depending on your K2 installation configuration, you may or may not see the Allow this SmartObject to be used in Legacy Workflow Designer option. If you do not see this setting, it is OK to continue to the next step.
    3. Click Add and add each of the following properties, then click OK:
      NameData Type
      Notes and Attachments SmartObject
    4. Finish the SmartObject.

In this step, you created the Contact Notes and Attachments (SmartBox) SmartObject. This data source stores the "details" content for each contact record. In the next step, you will create the Contact Item View, which is the header part of the contact form.

Next Step: 4. Create the Contact Item View