What's New in K2 Cloud Update 8
The latest release of K2 Cloud builds upon previous releases with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

- Workflow Designer
- Task Action Result: You can use the Action Result field, which contains the workflow action taken by the task recipient, in multi-steps for events that follow a User Task. Find this new field in the Task User section of the Context Browser and use it, for example, to audit user task decisions or to send confirmation emails. For more information, see How To: Use the Action Result Property to Update a SharePoint List
- Security and Governance
- View Execute rights: This new right gives you the ability to control who is allowed to open and run views. Set the Execute:Deny right or the Execute:Allow right to control who can run views. If Execute:None is set, the user will not be able to run the view or form.
If you are upgrading from an existing K2 environment, execute rights on categories already exist and views inherit execute permissions from the parent category. You can, as a security administrator, configure permissions on specific views after upgrading.
- View Execute rights: This new right gives you the ability to control who is allowed to open and run views. Set the Execute:Deny right or the Execute:Allow right to control who can run views. If Execute:None is set, the user will not be able to run the view or form.
- Integration
- Cloud Storage Service Type:Use online file services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive to upload and download files through SmartObjects. To enable the cloud storage features, you must log a ticket with Nintex Customer Central as described in the Cloud Storage Broker Service Type topic. For more information on this new integration capability, see the following topics:
- Cloud Storage Broker feature activation for Box, Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive
- Cloud Storage Broker Service Type
- How To: Upload a file to Google Drive with a SmartForm
- How To: Download a file from Google Drive and attach it to an Email
- How To: Use the Tree Control to navigate Google Drive folders
- How To: Upload a file to Dropbox with a SmartForm
- How To: Download a file from Dropbox and attach it to an Email
- How To: Use the Tree Control to navigate Dropbox folders
- If you have previously used the Cloud Storage service available in K2 Cloud Update 7, note that the Cloud Storage service from Update 7 is deprecated but not deleted on upgrade, which means that your existing integration continues to function. If you've used the Cloud Storage broker in Update 7, migrate any existing Cloud Storage service instances by logging a support ticket to help you migrate and enable the new brokers. After migration, you are prompted for a new OAuth token when executing the Cloud Storage SmartObjects.
- Cloud Storage Service Type:Use online file services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive to upload and download files through SmartObjects. To enable the cloud storage features, you must log a ticket with Nintex Customer Central as described in the Cloud Storage Broker Service Type topic. For more information on this new integration capability, see the following topics:

- Workflow Designer
- Dynamic Time Zone: Specify a dynamic value for the time zone when using working hours in the Task deadline, reminder, redirection, or subworkflow deadline configuration in a workflow. If you have users across multiple different zones, you can now use Functions or SmartObject methods to configure a dynamic value matching the user's location rather than using a static zone for all users.
- Reminder Working Hours: When configuring your task email reminder and redirect task reminders you can now take working hours into consideration. When setting the reminder the specified working hours calculates when the reminder should occur. Select one of your working hour zones for reminders in the Task step.
- Reference Filtering: When using a SmartObject List method to populate a reference, you can now define a filter on a return property to limit which items in the list are processed by the loop. For more information, see Scenario 5: Creating and Using a SQL stored procedure reference with a filter.
- Task Due Date: Set a date in your workflow that allows task participants to see when a task should be completed, allowing them to prioritize their work. The due date shows in the worklist in Workspace for Android and iOS as well as the worklist control.
- Context Browser: You can now specify values for optional SmartObject properties and parameters on Load methods by opening the configuration panel in the Smartfield composer.
- the Designer
- A number of properties are updated and several are added in the Designer, enhancing your ability to style views and forms to meet your requirements. These include:
- A Style property in the Data Label and Label controls
- Set view padding
- Set a cell's background color
- Set a cell's padding
- An Allow Standalone property in the view's properties
- The Conditional Styles and Styles properties are renamed to Conditional Format and Format, and you'll find a new property called Style on the Data Label and Label controls.
- Each K2 theme now has standard styles for elements such as H1, H2, and Paragraph in the theme’s CSS. For more information see KB003071: Understanding the impact of the new SmartForms Text Styles.

- The SmartBox SmartObjects for custom workspaces are removed and replaced in K2 Cloud Update 8 with new SmartObjects that use the Management broker. If you have used any of these SmartObjects in your solutions to interact with custom workspaces, update your solutions to use the new SmartObjects. All data contained in the old SmartObjects are available in the new SmartObjects after upgrade. Note that only server administrators are able to create and update data using these new SmartObjects.
- Removed Workspace SmartObjects:
- Navigation Default Workspace
- Workspace Navigation Scheme
- Navigation Scheme Data
- Navigation Scheme
- Workspace Navigation Link
- Navigation Link Data
- Navigation Link Style Data
- Navigation Link Style
- Navigation Link
- Workspace Navigation Link Style
- Navigation Target Type Data
- Navigation Target Type
- Navigation Configuration Data
- Navigation Configuration
- Workspace Navigation Configuration
- New Workspace SmartObjects:
- Workspace Navigation Scheme Data
- Workspace Navigation Link Data
- Workspace Navigation Link Style Data
- Workspace Navigation Target Type Data
- Workspace Navigation Configuration Data
- Navigation Configuration Data (same name but new object)
- Navigation Default Workspace Data
- Navigation Link Data (same name but new object)
- Navigation Scheme Data (same name but new object)
- Removed Workspace SmartObjects:
- In Update 8 the Cloud Storage service type introduced in Update 7 is deprecated however the service type is not deleted. If you have used the Cloud Storage broker in Update 7 you need to migrate any existing Cloud Storage service instances (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive) by logging a support ticket for assistance with migrating and enabling the new features. After migration, the logged in user is prompted to retrieve a new OAuth token when executing any of the Cloud Storage SmartObjects. .
- The Conditional Styles and Styles properties are renamed to Conditional Format and Format.
- Text Styling is applied to all out-of-box themes. When upgrading to K2 Cloud Update 8, you may notice some style differences in your existing forms. See KB003071: Understanding the Impact of the New SmartForms Text Styles for more information.

Bug fixes are rolled up in each update. K2 Cloud Update 8 includes the following bug fixes:
- K2 Cloud Update 7 Fix Packs 1 to 13
- When you deploy a package using Package and Deployment, you cannot deploy the package because the Package and Deployment Role does not have View Rights by default
- When you respond to SmartForms from workflow user events, an error occurs
- After deploying a workflow using Package and Deployment and then editing the workflow in the Designer, a "500 Internal Server Error" occurs
- When searching for environment fields in the Workflow Designer, all environment field data types are changed to the Date/Time data type
- When viewing the View Flow of a workflow, the XML preview for Item References do not display correctly
- When you view a workflow instances View Flow, line labels do not display

- There are no known issues at this time

If you are using K2 for SharePoint, re-run the K2 for SharePoint registration wizard after the update.
- Download the enhanced Package and Deployment tool from https://<runtimeurl>/Management/Remote. Once downloaded, Nintex Customer Central portal to provide your public IP address ranges to K2 Operations. This allows access to your K2 Cloud environment from your network. Please see the Package and Deployment Considerations topic for further considerations about working with the Package and Deployment tool.
- In Update 8 the Cloud Storage service type introduced in Update 7 is deprecated however the service type is not deleted. If you have used the Cloud Storage broker in Update 7, you need to migrate any existing Cloud Storage service instances (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive) by logging a support ticket for assistance with migrating and enabling the new features. After migration, the logged in user is prompted to retrieve a new OAuth token when executing any of the Cloud Storage SmartObjects.

The following Fix Packs are available for this release.
Release | Release Date |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 1 | April 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 2 | May 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 3 | June 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 4 | June 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 5 | June 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 6 | June 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 7 | July 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 8 | July 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 9 | July 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 10 | August 2019 |
K2 Cloud Update 8 Fix Pack 11 | August 2019 |