Run Bar
The Run Bar controls running a botflow Automated steps that you can design for each bot that will run..
Click the Run Bar button to expand the Run Bar Options.

- Execute: Executes the current action without running the entire process.
- Break: Stops executing the action in progress and stops a running botflow.
- Options: Provides access to additional run settings.
- Rewind: Moves the Run Arrow to the beginning of the botflow.
- Play: Runs the botflow from the location of the Run Arrow.
- Skip record: Skips the record that fails within your dataset. The Skip record button only displays when a botflow is processing a dataset and a record within the dataset fails.
- Pause: Pauses a running botflow.
- Stop: Stops the process after completion of the current iteration or record.
- Speed Slider: Controls the speed of a running botflow and is adjusted using the speed slider buttons to Increase Speed (+) or Decrease Speed (-).
- Collapse\Expand: Collapses and expands the Nintex Bot application window.

Click the Run Bar button to display the Run Bar Options.
- Once: There are no additional settings for running a botflow once .
- Repeat: The botflow runs the specified number of times, such as 10.
- Records: Configure these settings to specify which records should be run:
- Forever: There are no additional settings for running a botflow forever and the botflow will only stop if: