
These tutorials will teach you how to build SmartForms, SmartObjects and workflows with K2's browser-based design environment, K2 Designer. These tutorials will guide you through the creation of several Applications which will help you become familiar with SmartForms and K2 Designer, while at the same time building Applications that you may find useful in your organization.

You can follow these tutorials to create Applications in any environment where K2 SmartForms 4.6.9 or later is installed. The screenshots and user names in these tutorials reflect the standard K2 Solutions Virtual Machine which is provided by K2 during training and product evaluation. However, you can follow these same tutorials to replicate the applications in another environment, as long as you use the relevant configuration values or users for that environment.

Once you have completed a tutorial, feel free to modify the Application if you would like to continue exploring the features of K2, or if you want to modify the Applications to work better for your organization’s requirements.

If you are unfamiliar with SmartForms, we recommend that you start with the Hello World tutorial, followed by the Leave Request Approval Application (basic) and then Leave Request Approval Application (Extended) tutorials. Even though these are very basic Applications, they actually cover a number of fundamental aspects of K2 Applications and Application Elements without introducing too much complexity, so they are the ideal platform to start from.

Tutorial Level and Estimated Build Time Tutorial Application Overview Covered in Tutorial

Hello World


20-30 min

This tutorial explains how to build a very simple "Hello, World" SmartForm using K2 Designer. This tutorial is ideally suited for users who are brand new to K2 smartforms and is intended to give you a basic understanding of K2 smartforms.

As simple as this scenario sounds, this tutorial covers some basic principles about Views, Forms, Controls and Rules. Other tutorials extend on the knowledge gained in this tutorial, so if you are brand new to SmartForms we recommend that you start with this tutorial.

  • Working with K2 Designer
  • Working with the Category System
  • How to build a View and customize the formatting
  • How to add Controls to a View
  • How to create a Form and add a View to the Form
  • How to configure a Rule
  • Using contextual information in a Rule
  • How to run a SmartForm as a user

Leave Request Approval (Basic version)


30-45 min

This tutorial explains how to build a simple Leave Request Approval application, using K2 Designer to build an application with Data (SmartObjects), Forms (SmartForms) and Workflow elements. The tutorial is intended for users new to K2, or with little K2 experience.

For this particular application, we will use a SmartBox-based SmartObject as the Data component, a K2 smartforms-based Form as the Form component and a simple, single-approval workflow. All the components in this application will be designed using K2's browser-based K2 Designer tool.

  • Creating a SmartBox-based SmartObject
  • Using a SmartObject in a View and a Workflow
  • Creating and formatting a View for a SmartObject
  • Creating a Form with different States
  • Using a Form as the user interface for workflow Tasks
  • Creating a workflow with a simple Approve/Reject outcome

Leave Request Approval (Extended version)


30-45 min

This tutorial explains how to build a more advanced application by extending the basic version of the Leave Request Approval application and provides deeper understanding in the following components of K2 applications: Data, Forms and Workflows. The tutorial is intended for users new to K2, or with little K2 experience.

In this tutorial, you will create a SmartObject that connects to an external SQL database and then use that SmartObject in a View. You will extend the existing Views, Forms and Workflow created in the basic version of the application with additional functionality. From a workflow perspective, this tutorial shows how to build rework loops, send emails and add escalations.

You must complete the “Leave Request Approval (Basic version)” tutorial before starting this tutorial, since you will be modifying the Application elements that you created in the “Leave Request Approval (Basic version)” Tutorial.

This tutorial uses a SQL database hosted in Microsoft Azure, and requires an active internet connection. The sample Azure SQL Database is intended only for tutorial and demonstration purposes and is not intended for use in Production applications and are not supported or guaranteed by K2. If necessary, you can download the SQL script to recreate this database in your own environment - see the additional links in the tutorial build guide.

  • Editing existing Views, Forms and Workflows
  • Registering a Service Instance and generating a SmartObject
  • Using a SmartObject on a View to populate a drop-down list
  • Modifying the behavior of a Form based on the Form state
  • Sending emails in a workflow
  • Customizing task notification emails in a workflow
  • Implementing rework loops in a workflow
  • Adding escalations to a workflow
Active Directory User Details Update


30-45 min

This tutorial explains how to build an Application that can be used to display and update details from Active Directory. Your organization may have a need to allow users to list information from Active Directory, and keep Active Directory updated by allowing users to update outdated information which can then be saved back to Active Directory.

This tutorial will explain how to create a SmartObject that interacts with an external system (Active Directory, in this case) and then use that SmartObject in Views and Forms. You will also learn how to build a workflow that will interact with Active Directory using the built-in AD wizards available in the K2 workflow designer.

  • How to create an advanced-mode SmartObject that connects to Active Directory
  • Building List Views and Item Views
  • Applying formatting and styling to controls
  • Using Form-level Rules
  • Generating Forms for Views
  • Using different Forms for the same workflow
  • Updating Active Directory with a workflow
  • Using Workflow Data fields as temporary data storage
  • Transferring data between Forms and Workflows
Sales Order Application


60-90 min

In this tutorial you will build a hypothetical Sales Orders Application using K2 Designer for the SmartObjects and SmartForms, and K2 Studio for the Workflow. This tutorial covers more advanced SmartForms concepts and has an intermediate level of complexity.

In this tutorial, we will create an Application that is used to capture a new Sales Order Entry and, if the total amount exceeds $10,000, submit the entry for approval with a Workflow. The primary focus for this Application is on the Data elements (where we will be using several different data sources) and the Forms elements (where we will create more advanced SmartForms, including master-detail forms, tabbed forms, more advanced rules and how to build custom Reports with SmartForms).


  • How to create an advanced-mode SmartObject that connects to an external database
  • Building List Views and Item Views
  • More advanced Controls concept like cascading drop-down lists, expressions and aggregations
  • Building Header-Details Forms and tabbed Forms
  • More advanced Rules and Actions, including Execution Blocks and conditional Rules
  • Building workflows with K2 Studio and integrating them with Forms
  • Building custom reports with SmartForms
  • How to troubleshoot and debug SmartForms
  • Using Package and Deployment to move applications between environments